drphil: I consider myself HOH. I have a hearing loss of 75 DB in my left ear, 95 DB in my right ear. I have hearing aids. Let me tell you what I have done: I have gone to a HEARING high school, taken Honors and AP ENGLISH classes. I have gotten a 5 on the AP test for English. I have a better vocabulary than many of my HEARING friends and often help them with their English homework. I also competitively sail, which is a sport that requires more communication and discussion than pretty much any other sport on the Earth. All this while having a Severe-profound hearing loss in my GOOD ear.
As a result of the previous, I consider myself "cured" of Deafness. I function well in a normal society. I accept that people may not take that cure. It required a great amount of hard work on my part, but nothing frustrates me more than a blatantly obvious cure that people ignore. Thus, if people choose not to accept the cure, the physical problem becomes a psychological problem.