Been fit is cosmetic

Well i dont eat junk food. Only like in special occasions like a birthday party or such. I eat a lot of fruits and vegtables. Drink mostly water, use much less salt than before. Probably the only thing i have not been abke to give up is chocolate but i eat it like once a week maybe and its thise fun size once. I will do more excerise once the pool is up but i am doing excerise right now too. I actually eat more breakfast than dinner.

Switch to organic chocolate 80% or higher CAC and only use it per serving size. There is nothing wrong with organic natural saturated fat, BUT stay away from preservatives. No milk chocolate...

Check out Green and Black organic chocolate.

And, it's 80% eating habits to 20% exercise, not the other way around. Exercise cannot replace healthy eating..
Rule of thumb, your meal should be the size of your fist.
It takes your brain 10 minutes to realize you are full and people tend to engorge themselves til they cant eat no more ( when the brain finally kicks is, you are already over stuffed)
To help with that 10 minute brain/stomach timing, it is good to carry a conversation with someone, since you pause between eating and talking which gives your brain time to react.

Some people eat to live, I live to eat.

Yeah and try not eat while on the computer, I only drink water when I am on my computer. I heard that people will eat when really are thirsty so it might to drink a glass of water before eating that extra cookie.
Yeah and try not eat while on the computer, I only drink water when I am on my computer. I heard that people will eat when really are thirsty so it might to drink a glass of water before eating that extra cookie.

I eat a ton of home made salsa ( basically tomatoes, onions, garlic, chilantro, jalapinos, lemon juice, black pepper and a dash of salt) I get really full but its healthy eating... and I lose weight as well. This is just my snacking on the computer.
What is your daily total calories count?

Approximatly 1700. Some days a little more or less. But thats what doctor told me to stay in. Usually i have three meals during the day and two snacks in between. I would say i dont have large meals but i guess for every person "large" meal may vary. Probably my largest meal is at breakfast. I have never been much of a big eater.
I eat a ton of home made salsa ( basically tomatoes, onions, garlic, chilantro, jalapinos, lemon juice, black pepper and a dash of salt) I get really full but its healthy eating... and I lose weight as well. This is just my snacking on the computer.

In my family we usually have lots of salsa. Lol. Got to love the spice!
Approximatly 1700. Some days a little more or less. But thats what doctor told me to stay in. Usually i have three meals during the day and two snacks in between. I would say i dont have large meals but i guess for every person "large" meal may vary. Probably my largest meal is at breakfast. I have never been much of a big eater.
The reason I ask for the number is because, as you say, everyone's idea of "small" and "large" amounts vary. Even "big eater" can't be defined because that too can mean many different things. Calories aren't the only thing to watch (nutrition is very important) but numbers are more precise for tracking your intake.

That seems a little high for a weight-losing amount but if that's what your doctor told you to stay with then the doctor must have a good reason.

If I ate that much every day I would gain weight. Of course, I'm not so active anymore, and I'm short. :giggle:

You're young and active, so you can handle more. :)
Obtaining nutritional advice for health shouldn'f have been perceived as a cosmetic service. Is everyone's idea of losing weight in CA mean going under the knife? Dreamer, IMO 1700 cal sounds like a maintenance amount when you are at your weight goal, hopefully he didn't use your current weight to come up with your caloric goal. To lose weight, you need to create a caloric deficit by reducing consumption to1200 calories or so on most days, with an occasional free day (don't binge though!) to keep your metabolism from declining. Also keep in mind not all calories are the same. Try to balance protein-carbs-veggies-fats to something like a 1-2-3-miniscule ratio. Without that balance, of course you will gain weight from a serving of pasta alone, nutrient wise this amounts to excess carbs regardless if you meet your caloric goal. Mix it up with some poster's ideas and get some exercise that involves elevating your heart rate for a couple of minutes (build on it over time). Hope that helps you!
This might help you find a good number

TDEE Calculator

Find your TDEE, subtract 15-20% (no more than 25%) and that will be a good number. Keep your carbs/protein/fats balanced. Don't avoid fat, don't avoid carbs... they are good for you. In the long run, anything that alienates a food group is generally not sustainable or healthy. Exercise if you want but make sure your activity or lack of is calculated so you aren't eating too much or too little. You will be healthier if you do but abs are generally made in the kitchen and no matter how many crunches you do, you won't see those abs if there is fat covering them. Eat whenever you want, it really doesn't matter. Eat however many meals a day you want. That doesn't matter either. In the long run its calories in vs calories out. Spend more than you take in. It is really that simple. You could get skinny eating your daily caloric goal in cheeseburgers only. Needless to say you wouldn't be healthy when you got there, but you would be thin. Practice making smart healthy choices and substitutions so that you don't end up skinny and sick.

1200 calories a day can be too little depending on your current weight and can possibly make you sick and feel really horrible. It could also prevent you from losing weight. Your current weight absolutely has to be taken into account when determining your daily caloric goal. Plus as you get closer to your goal weight you will have nowhere to reduce if and when you plateau. Don't beat yourself up for having off days, just make sure they don't happen often. There is no magic fix and trying to hurry it is just harmful in the long run. You didn't gain weight overnight and losing it overnight isn't going to happen either.

Good luck!
First of all i do have to thank everyone for the help. I am reading the stuff and while i cant try every single thing at once i will be trying to see what works. I guess i was just freaking out because of how fast i gained the weight with same food i was eating that helped me lose weight. But thank you all again. I shall say if i succeed!
It is only cosmetic if you are an unhealthy weight. Based on your pictures from a medical perspective... you're not obese. As a medical professional, I would not prescribe you a medication to help you lose weight because you're not morbidly obese. Medication to help people lose weight is usually only prescribed to people who are severely to morbidly obese. Otherwise, changing your diet and going to the gym will make you lose weight and is the way to do it. No matter how many times we say it, people will still want us to give them a friggin pill to lose weight though. It's not natural to take a pill to do that! Eat healthy, go to the friggin gym, cut back calories, stop eating sweets, stop drinking anything unless it's water and you'll slim down fast... PERIOD. Even just eating 1000-1200 calories a day will make you drop 1 pound a week with no exorcise. Cutting out all drinks and only drinking water... that will make you lose an average of 20-40 pounds in 3-5 months. ( No, you can not use flavored crap in your water like MIO because even though it SAYS no sugar, it has sugar alcohol in it and your body still processes it just like sugar... unfortunately. It's not much better for you than soda... it's still processed junk in the end. Just plain.... water. ) Exorcise is the only way you can be certain you will lose the weight and keep it off. There's all these fad diets out there and people drop weight and what happens... BAM it comes right back as soon as you stop the diet... usually 10 fold. :doh: It's the only way to be certain it will go away and stay away... Most people don't like it... but it's the truth. Also, helpful tip. Drink a bottle of water before every meal. Fun fact, your brain can not decipher thirst from hunger. You may think you're hungry... but you're really thirsty or dehydrated. That 8 glasses of water a day is crap. In order to stay hydrated you're technically supposed to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water every day. If someone is 200 pounds, they need to drink 100 ounces of water a day to stay hydrated. Of course it usually doesn't happen, but you're still supposed to try and hit that number. I weigh around 107 ( but I'm friggin tall as hell unfortunately ) and I probably drink 80 - 100 ounces of water a day. :P but I don't drink soda or anything else ever. ( Alcohol okay okay but not on a regular basis and no soda or any of that crap ) Drink a good amount of water, start to flush yourself out and you're body will release some of that water it's holding onto as well. :)

Also Dreamer... keep this in mind about those "miracle" diet pills. They are to treat VERY over weight people. HEAVILY morbidly obese people. I'm on a prescription right now that is off label to treat obesity. No, I'm not obese... at all. These "miracle" medications or "diet" pills are usually prescribed to treat one thing and found to OH LOOK AT THIS IT CAUSES WEIGHT LOSS! So, they use it to off label treat something else. These medications often some with a heavy, heavy, often multiple heavy prices, and heavy side-effects. They're nothing you ever want to have to take... believe me. The medication I take is called Topamax. It is one of the three ( yes three ) medications I take to stabilize my bipolar disorder. It is commonly prescribed to morbidly obese patients who want to lose weight. It comes off... fast. I was 140 when I started taking this medication around a month and a half ago... I'm now 107. No going to the gym, no special diet... nothing. I can't taste carbonation in soda or anything, chocolate and many sweets taste like pennies ( metallic ) I have to set alarms to remind myself when to eat because I'm never hungry. When the alarms go off I don't even eat because I'm not hungry. I feel nauseous, dizzy and weak all the time, I want to sleep all day and was recently approached by a coworker with a pamphlet on anorexia. :shock: Yeah... so, think twice before you want one of these "miracle" diet pills... okay? Because they're ALL like this. ALL OF THEM are like this. I'm not taking it for that purpose... but this is what they ALL DO. They all have BUTT loads of side-effects and you lose weight through anorexia essentially. It suppresses your appetite. Yes, I'm slooooooooooooooowly returning to normal because they're adding in another medication to the mix to counteract it... This is why you have to be MORBIDLY obese before they will give you a prescription for these... They destroy your body! For my height, I was a perfect weight before... I went to the gym... I was toned... Now... I can see my ribs... Not... cool... For me height, I should weigh NO LESS than 130! ( See the problem here? ) 107?! At 5'10 do you think I should weigh anywhere around 107?! Do not take a pill to lose weight. Listen to what these people here are telling you. SC is a health nut and in awesome shape. I've talked to him in the past... that guy knows his stuff. Reba is super intelligent and always gives great advice. I'm a friggin P.A. :laugh2: All I will tell you is don't go doctor to doctor trying to find one who will write the script... it's not a good idea. Look at the crap I'm in right now... Just Google Topamax side-effects and you'll have hours of reading material on any given day. People started FORUMS on that crap! :laugh2: seriously, you'll have weeks of reading material, and it's a commonly off label treatment for morbid obesity. But they don't give it out easily. It also treats chronic migraines, seizures, bipolar disorder and various other crap! :laugh2: That's how these things work. I always tell people, if you can stay away from putting man made pills in your body, do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.... :shock: Just go to the gym, change your diet, drink lots of water and you'll be dropping it off in no time. There's no miracle pill on the shelf at walmart that will help either... or TV adds... everyone has already tried... ( my friend buys every new pill that releases known to man no matter how many times I slap her ) Good luck with your weight loss though, lose it for you, not because of what society thinks you should look like... keep that in mind... society has this stereotypical woman image... It messes with women's minds... and makes their self-esteem low... and it's sad. don't let it do it to you. If you're happy, that's all that matters. In your pictures, I think you look fine... I would have never considered you huge-mongous or anything. :) Just don't let jerks get to you hun.
I have not done it but wonder if the request for coverage does not always mean pills but instead instruction in choosing a good diet and how much of which type of exercise?
You can find all that stuff online or at any gym. Any gym will give you free pointers or a consulation on how to lose weight where. Google can help you with most diet questions, honestly. It's that easy these days, you can ask the gym for a back up plan. Also when you go into a gym... most gyms have pictures on them that show you the areas that particular machine works. :D you have to use a different machine every day and change it every day or your body will get used to it and stop losing because it's rude like that... :mad: just have to stick to it and be determined. If it's something you really want, you're the only one who can make it happen, nobody else.
Mew why have you been dieting? You must be wicked wicked skinny. I'm only 5'1 and I outweigh you by 5 pounds.

Dreamer, yes there's lots and lots of info on the internet. Diet, try to cut out as much processed food as possible. Basically if there's a commercial for it you shouldn't eat it. Cut out dairy, cheese and milk are baaaad. Fruit actually has a lot of sugar in it, try to cut that to a minimum, veggies are better and complex carbs. Melon right after a work out is good though, they're more hydrating than just water.

You really don't have to mix up the weights that much. You can do the same exercises every week just increase the weight or reps. Don't be afraid to lift heavy either. Women don't have the testerone to get "big". Some pts don't recommend the old standard 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Go 5-6 sets of 5-6 reps with a heavier weight and you'll make more progress building muscles. You want to build more muscle, muscle burns fat. Get your cardio in. HIIT cardio has been found to more effective than straight cardio. You can burn waaaay more calories in a 30 min HIIT than 60 minutes on a tread mill. HIIT is high intensity interval training. Google it. Try HIIT jogging, but there's lots and lots of HIIT workouts.
Some pts don't recommend the old standard 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Go 5-6 sets of 5-6 reps with a heavier weight and you'll make more progress building muscles. You want to build more muscle, muscle burns fat.
I have seen the 3 sets (10-12), and also a 1 set (8 reps at the heaviest possible weight) method. Never saw 5-6 "short" sets recommended before. Have you tried this? Anyone you know?

Agree with the "muscle burns fat" comments. I am not at ideal weight, but I am in good shape.
I have tried this. Did 4 weeks of 5 reps/6 sets and then 4 weeks of 3 reps 10 sets. It was working really well but then I moved and don't have a gym membership anymore. It was really geared more for women, because we don't have the level of testerone that men do. I'll see if I can find the article I read later, because it does mention men in the comparison. I think I have it bookmarked on my laptop at home. I'm at work.
Im allergic to a lot of vegtables and some fruits. But yeah i have been looking up stuff on internet. And i do one set if excerises one week and another one the next week. And milk well i am lactose intolerant so usually i take the almond mill because it also helps woth my vitamin d deficiency. Lets see what works out for me.
Im allergic to a lot of vegtables and some fruits. But yeah i have been looking up stuff on internet. And i do one set if excerises one week and another one the next week. And milk well i am lactose intolerant so usually i take the almond mill because it also helps woth my vitamin d deficiency. Lets see what works out for me.

This post of Dreamer's I think is a good illustration of when diet advice is needed beyond the net and a trainer at a gym. It seems that kind of professional medical advice should be covered by insurance.
It's only going to be covered if it's medically necessary for her to lose weight, as in being obese. You just want to lose some weight no it won't.

Now if she has food allergies maybe she could be referred to a nutritionist and maybe that would be covered. A nutritionist would be more knowledgable and helpful fir that than a PCP
Well i disnt want to meds i just wanted the nutrologist. I would be good with that
I have tried this. Did 4 weeks of 5 reps/6 sets and then 4 weeks of 3 reps 10 sets. It was working really well but then I moved and don't have a gym membership anymore. It was really geared more for women, because we don't have the level of testerone that men do. I'll see if I can find the article I read later, because it does mention men in the comparison. I think I have it bookmarked on my laptop at home. I'm at work.
Thanks for the info. I realize that women use different methods to build muscle. I have to consider my age when I use weights. Harder to build bulk at 59+. There might be something I can do differently. I am not looking to get a lot bulkier, just keep firm and toned.

If you find the link, feel free to share.