Became deaf on 16 anyone who's been through the same and would like to share it?


New Member
Apr 12, 2018
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So here is the tea: i became deaf at 16 and had a hard time and blah blah. Now I'm 21 and would like to meet deaf people. I'm from a country who doesnt really has a an open heart for the deaf. I'm looking for contacts for so long but no answer.

Sooo if anyone would like to share their tea, Im here!

Bless you all <3 :wiggle:
I became hard of hearing at the age of 17 and now I'm almost 20 (my birthday is in a week). I'm still kind of going through it still, and I live in an area in the US that there aren't many deaf people.
Same here. Sometimes I feel the loneliness. It was very hard to accept the fact that there is no turn back to the hearing world. It was actually a hard slap in my face. But now it’s going very well. I’m trying to make contacts with people who are going through the same (which is really hard to find especially in my country). How are you doing Radcliff?
My experience isn't the same but it's somewhat similar. was born with moderate hearing loss. I was in an accident when I was 5 that made me severely/profoundly deaf. I consider myself HoH. I have hearing aids and a BAHA and was raised with cued speech, signed English, FM systems, etc. I wish I had been raised with ASL but this was all in the early 90s and I was the only Deaf/HoH kid in my entire area. I was mainstreamed and grew up in a fairly rural mountain area.

Welcome! I would recommend learning ASL and becoming more active in the Deaf community however you can.
Hi Zeefour! Thanks for sharing. I would really like to learn sign. I’ve never had/have the chance to learn it. I was always pushed to “hear” like in my community it’s a “shame” to be deaf. I was pushed to wear my aids. I’ve never had a chance to accept my new faith. But hey I started to speak up and now I’m better. It was not a great journey but we all made it.
Sending you blessings
Thank you Peekaboo! Would be a lot easier if there was an Alldeaf app for IOS.
I am sure. I would love to see a chat room in here :D where we can chat live and post at the same time :D and youre welcome!!!!! :D
Yas true!! Would be so easy and fun. Who knows maybe in the future!
Hi Zeefour! Thanks for sharing. I would really like to learn sign. I’ve never had/have the chance to learn it. I was always pushed to “hear” like in my community it’s a “shame” to be deaf. I was pushed to wear my aids. I’ve never had a chance to accept my new faith. But hey I started to speak up and now I’m better. It was not a great journey but we all made it.
Sending you blessings

Many of us have had this issue. I'm currently arguing with a hearing teacher who thinks this is okay and Deaf kids just need to "hear" "speak" and "listen" to be successful.
Many of us have had this issue. I'm currently arguing with a hearing teacher who thinks this is okay and Deaf kids just need to "hear" "speak" and "listen" to be successful.
Agree ... having a talk with her myself. What a load of b-o-l-o-n-g-a!
Many of us have had this issue. I'm currently arguing with a hearing teacher who thinks this is okay and Deaf kids just need to "hear" "speak" and "listen" to be successful.

A lot of hearing teachers have no clue bout how to interact with deaf students. The government should fix this!! Like why is sign language still not a basic language? Even me (a deaf) have No idea where to go to learn sign language... people told me that it also costs a lot of money ‍♀️
Welcome :wave:

Like some others on here, I too am late-deafened. For me it was at age 19. I was fortunately at the time to be enrolled in a college that offered ASL courses and there was a large local Deaf community. Attending Gallaudet University was also helpful in finding my new identity as a Deaf person.

If you let us know what country are you from maybe someone might know of resources in your area.
My experience isn't the same but it's somewhat similar. was born with moderate hearing loss. I was in an accident when I was 5 that made me severely/profoundly deaf. I consider myself HoH. I have hearing aids and a BAHA and was raised with cued speech, signed English, FM systems, etc. I wish I had been raised with ASL but this was all in the early 90s and I was the only Deaf/HoH kid in my entire area. I was mainstreamed and grew up in a fairly rural mountain area.

Welcome! I would recommend learning ASL and becoming more active in the Deaf community however you can.
No ASL is NOT recommended!
I became Hard-of-Hearing at age 21, I am 24 now and having a hard time with feeling isolated since not many people understand!
Welcome :wave:

Like some others on here, I too am late-deafened. For me it was at age 19. I was fortunately at the time to be enrolled in a college that offered ASL courses and there was a large local Deaf community. Attending Gallaudet University was also helpful in finding my new identity as a Deaf person.

If you let us know what country are you from maybe someone might know of resources in your area.
I am from America and looking for resources!
My experience isn't the same but it's somewhat similar. was born with moderate hearing loss. I was in an accident when I was 5 that made me severely/profoundly deaf. I consider myself HoH. I have hearing aids and a BAHA and was raised with cued speech, signed English, FM systems, etc. I wish I had been raised with ASL but this was all in the early 90s and I was the only Deaf/HoH kid in my entire area. I was mainstreamed and grew up in a fairly rural mountain area.

Welcome! I would recommend learning ASL and becoming more active in the Deaf community however you can.
What is a BAHA?