beautiful PDA - Sprint's HTC Mogul


New Member
May 23, 2003
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it is coming up next few weeks and check on this( i know it is old news to some of you but no one brought up new PDA in this AD.) Sprint will release this. try to ask your Sprint Relay or your regular seller about this. Mogul is a powerful PDA with more memory ROM and faster processor and Window Mobile 6. it weighs more lighter than 6700s. it has EVDO connection.

good luck..:afro:


That one is nice-looking... Did they do away with the antenna (rod)? Still no use for me as I don't think Sprint/Nextel is very big around here.

Maybe AT&T will bring them in the line-up soon?
yes, att will release PDAs with front built in cam for video share program. it should be a powerful device like htc mogul. i look forward to seeing that very much.

yes there are more PDAs and Treo devices that come without antennas for Verizon and Sprint.
That one is nice-looking... Did they do away with the antenna (rod)? Still no use for me as I don't think Sprint/Nextel is very big around here.

Maybe AT&T will bring them in the line-up soon?

Since there is a lack of information on the Mogul but it seem that it's really the same as the AT&T 8525 which been released like last year.

The only difference that I can see is that AT&T 8525 have 128MB ROM and the new Sprint Mogul claims to have 256MB ROM.

So the new Mogul have a bigger ROM over the AT&T ROM. However bigger ROM does not mean it will be a faster device. It just allow you to put more application on a ROM instead of a external storage card.
Since there is a lack of information on the Mogul but it seem that it's really the same as the AT&T 8525 which been released like last year.

The only difference that I can see is that AT&T 8525 have 128MB ROM and the new Sprint Mogul claims to have 256MB ROM.

So the new Mogul have a bigger ROM over the AT&T ROM. However bigger ROM does not mean it will be a faster device. It just allow you to put more application on a ROM instead of a external storage card.

I think one major difference is that the Sprint Mogul is Windows Mobile 6 vs the 8525 still using WM5.
AWESOME! I can't believe TIME IS FAST for me...this is launch TODAY!!

TMO Dash with wm6 released out to beat wing with Wm6 released out now beat this, :P
Yes. In fact, I was browsing the store recently and came across this, the new ads in the style of the current "Sprint Speed" ads:

I've got my own Mogul for work, so I don't need one on the deaf plan. Thanks, work!
Yes. In fact, I was browsing the store recently and came across this, the new ads in the style of the current "Sprint Speed" ads:

I've got my own Mogul for work, so I don't need one on the deaf plan. Thanks, work!

I wonder about AIM in Mogul but they said that it includes Live msn messenger only. I should charge to add AIM download into Mogul. Right?
^^ You would have to download a 3rd party AIM application to chat away with your buddies. I have a Cingular/AT&T 8525 and it's similar to that phone but this is a newer one, though. I use IM+ on it.