Be kind, I need some help!


Prayers for my dad.
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2003
Reaction score
I came on line in alldeaf and I am having trouble with seeing some avatars and signatures, I see some members signatures and avatars while others I cannot see, I am using FireFox, Is there any way in helping me viewing all signature and avatars? Plus smiles are not working for me either. I did remove cookies, but still having this problem, Any advices? ;)
I would ask Vampy - I think he's using FireFox...

Sorry, honey...hope you can see me!!!! :bump:
If you or members are using ImageShack for some of the signatures, then that's usually the problem...sometimes it works and other times it don't allow some members to see those signatures. Hope that answers your question....;)
Roadrunner said:
If you or members are using ImageShack for some of the signatures, then that's usually the problem...sometimes it works and other times it don't allow some members to see those signatures. Hope that answers your question....;)

Oh Ok what about smiles here on ad, when I pressed on a smiles, it won't pop on my reply.
I am currently using IE6 with firewall and antivirus on high speed Internet cable. No problem at all... :D

Mookie said:
I am currently using IE6 with firewall and antivirus on high speed Internet cable. No problem at all... :D


You're not being kind, I seek for help, yet you had to rubbed in your special softwares in my face? How nice Mookie. :thumb:
I have no problem with foxfires...I used to have problem for a day or two and now it's fine. Werid. I can see avatars and signatures with no problem. Wish you luck.

Cheri said:
I came on line in alldeaf and I am having trouble with seeing some avatars and signatures, I see some members signatures and avatars while others I cannot see, I am using FireFox, Is there any way in helping me viewing all signature and avatars? Plus smiles are not working for me either. I did remove cookies, but still having this problem, Any advices? ;)
I am also using Firefox with no problems. Have you thought of checking to see if there is an updated version of Firefox available?
Sometimes I do have problem as "plug in" for likely view the movie... Yeah sort of fusterate for me.. and received awful lot listing what choice for plug in under firefox but still as same coniser IE's.. strange~:dunno:

Espically their avatars and sig.. I can see everyone's...
I'm using firefox too...
sometimes I view movie under IE (honestly I hate it) but patience.. (chuckles)
MorriganTait said:
I am also using Firefox with no problems. Have you thought of checking to see if there is an updated version of Firefox available?

Yes I did there is no new update. ;)
I had been tried Firefox but I´m not happy with it so I deleted and go back to Internet Exploer... I use T-Online Browser and happy with it.

I wish help you anything if I know... :(
Never mind I got the problem fixed, All I had to do was rebooted, That's all it took. :applause:

Moderators can lock this thread now. ;)
Cheri said:
Yes I did there is no new update. ;)

Some settings to check:

1. Cookies Enabled
2. Images, Javascript and Applets Enabled
3. Security level set to Medium

I will look at more settings when I get home this evening and see if there is anything else I can suggest.

Are you running a Firewall, Anti-Virus or other security software?
I have no plm with firefox with avator or signature, but few times, i think something with connect, one time i unable see the avators or signuatures. But next time seem fine. It odd.
I used to browse with Firefox for a while and discovered that it has its own pitfalls bit but safer and smarter than IE for sure. Only till a friend, a computer expert, suggested me to use Mozilla Suite browser, and I found it the BEST browser ever .. it blew me away. I use it all the times without a problem!(no fluke) Way much smarter and smoother than IE and Firefox. I suddenly abandoned Firefox but has to use IE seldomly where the sites requires it.

Mozilla Suite is rather so OVER-LOOKED! Try it!!!

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