bbnt will analyze your random thoughts

Levonian said:
Thinking that bbnt is actually funny is kind of like loving Big Macs; both are true facts, but you wouldn’t want to admit either one publicly.

analyzing this thought tells me you shouldn't post when your stoned
pimpdaddyposse said:
Where's my lunch?

analyzing this thought tells me you will end up begging in the streets after you graduate from college
Cricket said:
The jolly man is coming to town!

analyzing this thought tells me your a little old to believe in Santa
kuifje75 said:
Walkers offers good deal on fountain drinks!

analyzing this thought tells me you have never come to terms with losing your pet frog you had as a kid
HoneyShot said:
I wish I could think of something to post in this thread! :P

analyzing this thought tells me you will be the next President of the United States
illustrator said:
I am in mood to cook for lunch.

analyzing this thought tells me you will make someone a good wife
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KingCobra said:
BBNT is much older than me and dirt! :D

analyzing this thought tells me you are spending your birthday in a nursing home
KingCobra said:
How can I know if BBNT is Republican or Democrat?

analyzing this thought tells me you didn't realize bbnt is king of the whole damn world and has no use for political parties
The Heretic said:
Analyze THIS:

Whoever is unable to lie does not know what truth is.

suppose they had a collar on that shocked them if they told a lie?