Glad to see Red Hot Chili Peppers mentioned, because Flea is only THE best bass player ever!!!
The bass is my favorite instrument, followed by saxophones. But not really for the same reasons, I like a funky bass line, the bass is really a rhythm instrument not a melody one, the bass is like another set of drums
RHCP, Parliament and the FUnkadelics, Beastie Boys, and Morhine are some of my favorite bands....Dave Mathews and Rusted Root are way up there, but they're not real bassy. Morphine is interesting, well was, they are no more the lead singer/bass player died. The band only had 3 members, the singer who played a 3 string bass, drummer, and a bass saxophone. Not a saprano or an alto, a bass sax. Awesomesauce. Here's one of my fav songs by them, none of you guys have prob ever heard of them. I don't know if you'll be able to pick up his voice, but it's really low and goes along very well with their ower than normal toned instruments.
Morphine "Buena" - YouTube
I'm not real fond of turning up music so loud that I can feel the bass, I do have enough hearing left that with my aids I can listen to familiar music, so if I crank it just for the bass it distorts every other other instrument......which is lamesauce for me any way. I ave a fondness for big bands......DMT and Rusted Root both have loads of instruments, this thread is making me sad. I bought the last Dave Matthews Band album a few years ago when it came out and...nothing, it was just a bunch of noise.