Baskin Robbin Co-Founder Dies

Wish we have some here! I used to go there ALL the time when I was a kid! :)

RIP Irvine Robbins
Hmm... I think I'll go to Baskin Robbins and have some ice cream in his honor. (If they have what I want.)
He was over 90 years old. That must mean lots of ice cream is very good for you.(Now on my way to Baskin Robbins)
He was over 90 years old. That must mean lots of ice cream is very good for you. (Now on my way to Baskin Robbins)

Me, too. My new summer longevity plan: Walk each evening to Baskin Robbins for a different flavor. Since there are only 30 days in June, I'll have a double scoop on my birthday.
Speaking of Baskin Robbins, what is your favorite Baskin Robbins ice cream?

Mine is Gold Medal Ribbon.
Rest In Peace, Irvine Robbins.

I love their mint chocolate chip ice cream and also their smoothie is pretty good as well.
Mine is always Rocky Road.

When I was growing up, there were those in my community who called them "Baskin and Robbins" and there were those, like the commercials, who called them "Baskin Robbins."

We all knew, though, that there would always be 31 flavors.

Licorice (yeah, I miss Beeman's Blackjack gum)

Rainbow sherbet
I heard about Baskin Robbin Co-Founder die. I read the newspaper this morning. Baskin Robbin is my favorite ice cream. YUMMY! My favorite flavor is Oreo, Dough, Peanut butter cups, Expresso, Mocha, Java Chips, Strawberry Cheesecake, Mint Oreo, Mudslide Starbuck. YUMMY!!!!!
im really love ice cream at baskin robbin when i was little kids and also cakes too because baskin robbin really popular for ice cream and cakes.

im really love ice cream with Pink Bubblegum delicious
Wow, already!? Dang...

-pumpkin pie ice cream
-dough cookie ice cream
- strawberry cheesecake ice cream

They are still my fave. ;)