Banjo's Wedding Highlights

Congratulations Banjo! I didn't know you were getting married. I wish both of you well in your new life together! :)
Congrat Banjo! Now that you can cherish this video and pictures. Pass it on to your grand children!
Really quite beautiful video! They did a fabulous job. When was the wedding ?? I did not know you just got married! Congrats :)
Absolutely beautiful. Congratulations to you both. This video and the pictures are awesome. May you both have many wonderful and cherished years together.
Just thought I'll share this with y'all. :)

Here is the highlights of our wedding! The good people at Studio 67 filmed and photographed our wedding. They did such an amazing job on our wedding.

There is a video at the top and the rest are just pictures. If your computer is not able to run HD video smoothly, just click on the "HD" icon to disable the HD technology.

Studio 67 Toronto / Vancouver Wedding Cinematography + Photography - Christina + Paul | A Love that is Louder than Words

:ty: That was *SO* beautiful!! :tears:
There are no words that I can come up to describe the creativiness of this video. Just absulotely beautiful!!!

Congratulations! May you and your new wife live a blissful life together. God bless you! Beautiful pics
Absolutely beautiful pics of a beautiful couple. May your life together be filled with as much happiness as you had on your special day.

Thanks for sharing your wedding day with us.
i like the way they did videotape the dog's wagging. that was a happy moment. who was this cute doggie?
Oh, the wedding is so beautiful with good video. You and your bride did it. I also like the pictures too. I did not know you got married. I hope you and your wife will have a long marriage more than my husband and I. Congratulation being married. :thumb:
What a lovely wedding. The video was so touching. The sparkle in her hair, the love in your eyes. I hope your life together will always be this beautiful.

Thank you so much for sharing with us. Congratulations and the best of wishes for a long, thoughtful, and loving marriage.
I didn't know you was getting married. Congratulations to you both! The pictures and video are very professional.

I like those build-a-teddy-bears. I had to laugh when I saw the tag on the front of the car: "Cloud 9"!

I like the picture of the wedding rings. Her ring peeks out of your ring. Your ring looks very interesting.

Thanks for sharing that with us.
The photos are nice , it is too bad the first one was hard to see as the sun was too bright. congratulation!! Your wife is very pretty! I like the ring , I nicer than the plan wedding bands.
The photos are nice , it is too bad the first one was hard to see as the sun was too bright. congratulation!! Your wife is very pretty! I like the ring , I nicer than the plan wedding bands.

Thanks. :)

Just to let you know, the first picture you are referring to is actually a video, just click on it and it'll play.

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