Ban excerise only in California.

I think he should go to gym instead of on the grass/lawn unless, if it is on his property, then it's fine. :)
Some of you guys are wrong. I used to live in a very expensive town. There were no complaints about some people walking on the sidewalk or even joggers. The sidewalks provide people to walk on the public. The only way is not polite for someone to exercise on someone's home-lawn, and it is the owner's property line. These people who were arrested were on the public lawn between two streets, and it is still wrong for the police to arrest them.

Of course, most police love to arrest, arrest, arrest anybody as long as they make money. If you still believe that it's right for the police to arrest someone, then your hometown will be next near the future. It's something that you don't want this law in your area. Oh, excuse me. Would you mind if I let my dogs to poop there, please? :naughty:
Some reporters have NOTHING to do but raise phony controversies. This is one of the examples - pure phony controversy.