BAHA surgery tomorrow.


New Member
Jul 26, 2015
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I've been using a Widex CROS for about a week and I'm very happy with what I'm hearing except the sound is a bit "hollow" sometimes. Tomorrow I'm getting surgery for a BAHA attract.
After not hearing much for as long as I can remember it's pretty strange to notice the things info hear now.

More tomorrow when I'm able to post.
The hollow sound usually goes away after a bit. Your brain will adjust for it.
Good luck with the surgery.
Your BAHA will likely sound hollow for a few weeks / a month until your brain gets used to it.
Your BAHA will likely sound hollow for a few weeks / a month until your brain gets used to it.

The CROS is a great improvement, the BAHA sounded a bit more natural when I was tested on it. My "good ear" had mild hearing loss and the CROS piece for that ear has amplification. I may be using both the BAHA and the Widex at the same time on and off.
The surgery went well, the only snafu was the surgeon had an emergency case before me and I had to wait 7 hours to go in. I thought I would be getting only local anesthesia but ended up with general anesthesia.
Now have to wait four weeks before I try it out.
I'm a teacher and I can't wait to see how much better I can hear in the classroom.