Bad News:

I hope that your doctor is not speaking in such a negative way in front of your father.

Oh he has. My mom was so devastated, and she told the doctor to not ever discuss anything negative in front of her husband again.
:grouphug: praying for a more positive news on your next update!

And another thing I saw my dad cried for the first time after his stroke, He knows Reba, he knows what's going on, can you see why I'm so furious with his doctor. I mean what was he thinking?? He might thought my dad would not understand what he is talking about, but he does.
Oh he has. My mom was so devastated, and she told the doctor to not ever discuss anything negative in front of her husband again.

I don't blame your mother. I'm sorry you had to deal with this with your father's doctor.

and thanks for your concern about my Dad. :hug:
Cheri, maybe your family could ask for a new doctor for your dad? Go to the hospital administrator and tell what happen. hang in there :hug:

My dad has an urinary infection, and he was in extremely pains, it was very bothersome to him, he was screaming and yelling out my mom's name. They gave him medicine for his pains, so he's doing fairly well.

For the feeding tube, they could not insert the feeding tube in, they were having trouble with it, so they're going to feed him by mouth starting today. I don't like this plan because he could choke or food could go in his lung where it could block his breathing, the last thing we want for him to go back on the breathing tube. I'm very nervous. I'm keeping my fingers cross hope this plan will successful!

We had managed to get his speech/language and physical therapies back on track again.

I'm going up to see my dad tomorrow, to see how he's progressed. Hopefully more further signs of improvement. ;)
Wow, just saw this, Cheri; I hope and pray Dad pulls through this. You, sis and the rest of the family hang tight! Will be thinking of this the rest of today to see how surgery went. Huggzzzzz
I have good news and bad news.

Bad news:

I just found out that my dad does have severe brain damage, I was confused because I thought he didn't have any brain damaged, I was told wrong. After I was explained that my dad is one side paralysis, how he has speech and language problems, memory problems, how he needs a lot of help to complete tasks because his muscles are weak, it makes it harder for him to walk, stand, swallow and dress himself is the reason for his brain damage. Now I get it. I hate to be told one thing then another, it seems that everyone is telling me different things. :dizzy:

He failed his swallowing test, couldn't swallow his food because his muscles and nerves to carry food from mouth to the stomach is still weak. So he needs more exercises to improve throat muscle tones.

The good news:

He had made processed with speech and physical therapies. He's been practicing his speaking skills regularly with us, he had learned to combed his hair and put his own socks on.
I have good news and bad news.

Bad news:

I just found out that my dad does have severe brain damage, I was confused because I thought he didn't have any brain damaged, I was told wrong. After I was explained that my dad is one side paralysis, how he has speech and language problems, memory problems, how he needs a lot of help to complete tasks because his muscles are weak, it makes it harder for him to walk, stand, swallow and dress himself is the reason for his brain damage.

He failed his swallowing test, couldn't swallow his food because his muscles and nerves to carry food from mouth to the stomach is still weak. So he needs more exercises to improve throat muscle tones.

The good news:

He had made processed with speech and physical therapies. He's been practicing his speaking skills regularly with us, he learned to combed his hair and put his own socks on.

thanks for updates

same my late grandmother never walk also when she become strokes but my dad told me that my grandmother hardly get up from bed or couch but my dad have no choice!! Till she passed away in July 2007.

When my grandmother was in hospital for sugar blood test before she passed away and also she went to rehab nearly hospital and she been bedside lots and also wheelchair also..
Cheri, I am happy to hear about your father's milestones in the positive energy side of things.

I am glad you got it all strengthened out with the confusion.
They finally got the feeding tube in! Yes!!

My dad had been learning how to write with his left handed since he lost the use of one side of his body. ;)
wow what some updates you have on your father

i am peeved by the doctor being so negitive on your father's conditions that is out of line.. from a doctor.

i am hoping that your father is doing well in progress :) still he is in my prayer.. hugs
I have had family members have particularly awful Ohio hospital experiences. I am so glad that your father has such a will to regain his life and that he has such a loving wife and family around him. I often think my old friend Jesse who with the help of loving wife and family was able to have several more years after his catastrophe. He was able to relearn to walk and talk and tell his great stories. Alone I doubt he would have made it - he was one grateful guy in that respect. It is a mindboggling depressing load to fall on someone and that was his biggest enemy - the steps to recovery are so so many little steps and it takes help in so many ways and the setbacks are like being runover. The mechanics and ingenuity and will were there it is the mental part where he knew how much everyone around him was doing, when most of his life he was the leader and support for them. Best wishes from up here in Alaska, Cheri.

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