Bad News....

Heath said:
Whoa Man !!! Sure glad everybody is okay.....

The house is worth nothing. It is just a house.

A family can not be replaced.

I am sure you are already looking forwards to a new house.

Insurance really helps alots.

I will keep you in my prayers during this hard time.

God Bless..... :angel:

beautiful written Heath..

I agreed..

just grateful that family are alive.. ~*huggs*~.. sorry dear... I know its shock and sad.. to losing things like pictures or some things arent replaced.. but think twice.. family are alive.. they cant be replaced if it happened to them..

Buckdodgers said:
Tell your dad he might wanna get a lawyer and file a lawsuit at the dryer manufacturer company.Just like the guy drived a ford pinto 20 years ago the pinto caught fire he suffered 1st degree burns and he sued the ford motor company for 20 million dollars for punitive damages,pain and suffering and the cost of burn treatment.

got to stop thinking about lawsuits all the times..

maybe its mother's fault.. why?

all that lints or filters need to replace .. have to clean the back of dryer.. it caused fire and blow up.. it happens.. thats why there are warning labels on each appliances.. alot people dont pay attention..

Its UP to firemen investiagation and insurance to see if the dryer fault.. then the mother can make choice to lawsuit.. since she have insurance to rebuild the house .. that would be enough.. I am sure she get alot things by donate or chairty to support the family..
Oh Wow! That reminds me of the house next door to me which caught on fire due from bad electricity wires. I was in bed sleeping and the fire department bragged in and got us out safely.

I'm sorry about your parents house, that's sucks to lose everything in the house, Hope they do have insurance, if it was mention already in this thread, I did not read the entire thread just the first post of the thread. ;)