I am glad you survived this freak accident.. i know you will be in painful and sore for long time... and I am glad that your horse is fine .. but my horse wasnt.. after she tripped and slipped.. we both fell on ground.. my wrist broke, and sprained left knee.. my horse broke his front leg two pieces.. (calf and ankle).. had to put her sleep.. that time i was 16 years old.. it was really sad and she was my first horse.. only had her for 9 months.. I bought her from auction that all horses were on way to slaughter house.. she was snaggy and cuts and mud covered.. bought her for 150.. cleaned her out, medicines for cuts.. give alot love.. open up her shell from bad experienced to her.. then train her.. few months, she loved us and broke into saddle already.. we loved to ride together.. she was my first GREAT horse.. even she always wait at the gate when i come home from school.. she runs around and neigh.. till i come to gate.. gave her sugar cube.. or apple.. also we played hide and seek.. by the way her name is Daisy..why i name her because our barn and land filled with daisy, she loves to lay down or relax in field of daisies.. hehe.