Baby's reactions to their with cochlear implant

Maybe? If they were to fully embrace the oral side, wouldn't it be better than half-assing ASL? If it would make them involved in their child's life, language, schooling, and future, wouldn't that be better?

U really do not understand what it is like to struggle trying to keep up with hearing peers at school do you?
U really do not understand what it is like to struggle trying to keep up with hearing peers at school do you?

Not every person struggles. There are varing success stories. I clearly stated that they would have to provide appropriate services for the child and watch for any struggles.

So, are you saying that ASL would trump everything?
Because I've seen it with my eyes. Parents who send their child to the deaf school, never bother to learn to sign or include their child in any way. It has bad results.

That's sad that it happens to SOME of them, not all. apparently some parents may not show any concerns in their own children in the first place. =/

I have met hearing parents who do learn ASL when they first learn their kids who are deaf and willing to learn ASL first thing on their mind over any other kind of communication methods.
That's sad that it happens to SOME of them, not all. apparently some parents may not show any concerns in their own children in the first place. =/

I have met hearing parents who do learn ASL when they first learn their kids who are deaf and willing to learn ASL first thing on their mind over any other kind of communication methods.

Oh, yeah, of course not all!!!

But I'm asking, would it be better for them to embrace oralism, or SEE or cuing and work their butts off, keep active in their child's life, make sure the kid is learning language, providing what the child needs, or just send them to school to get ASL and do nothing else.
Wirelessly posted

OK. I don't understand why parents are doing nothing to help their own kids? Are they expect deaf schools will teach deaf kids everything, so parents don't need to be get invovled with children? I'm not sure if I understand this...
There are parents who expect mainstream school take care of the problem as well. And they don't do much for them at home. Especially if they're single parent.
I can see several points being made here, Shel yes, there is a lot of validity to the point that if the parents are not going to be involved then providing a deaf child access to language through ASL probably makes the most sense for at least the school will be providing language.

FJ also has good points that too often in these discussions the fact that there are parents who are actively involved in their child's development and who are also providing them with oral language development are either ignored or discounted.

A bad parent is a bad parent if they are not involved in their child's life and development and it has nothing to do with education or "other issues" for I know good parents who never went to college who know more about their child's needs then those who have and other parents with a lot on their plates who make their children their priority.

Also, FJ is correct that not all children struggle and comparing the experiences of a pre-ci orally mainstreamed deaf child is vastly different than those of the ci kids. Not saying that their are not commonalities but I think enough ci adults have stated that the ci either made or would have made a big difference in their childhood.

Finally to Frisky Feline, the name was mentioned because that is where I was told the scene took place. As for your attempt to twist my words into something that was not stated or even remotely implied, well you can be stunned all you want and just engage in a one-sided argument because I am not going down that road with you.
You said you had a problem with oral fmilies who don't follow their child's progress, I'm saying that ASL won't fix that problem. The kid will still end up with a sub par education and poor language skills.
In some cases it could amelorate the problem. Not all oral kids are completely and totally on par with their language abilty. Even many kids who are on par academicly, still have significent social-emotional issues. There are some oral kids who have NO issues (even socially) But on the other hand, even many superstars have significent social emotional issues. There's very few "just let the school educate them" oral only. BUT, b/c oral only is SO intensive (meaning therapy therapy therapy) a lot of parents tend to be burnt out by it
Finally to Frisky Feline, the name was mentioned because that is where I was told the scene took place. As for your attempt to twist my words into something that was not stated or even remotely implied, well you can be stunned all you want and just engage in a one-sided argument because I am not going down that road with you.

Oh no. I was only clarifying about the school itself, some of them are a CI support group, not the whole one. I don't know who you were talking about this certain person or I forget who this person was. Some of them did change their minds and ended up got ci themselve. I agree that we do not need to go down that road from there but school itself that you stated the whole group. Nothing more.
In some cases it could amelorate the problem. Not all oral kids are completely and totally on par with their language abilty. Even many kids who are on par academicly, still have significent social-emotional issues. There are some oral kids who have NO issues (even socially) But on the other hand, even many superstars have significent social emotional issues. There's very few "just let the school educate them" oral only. BUT, b/c oral only is SO intensive (meaning therapy therapy therapy) a lot of parents tend to be burnt out by it

Didn't the latest research show that CI kids rated their quality of life the same as hearing kids? And isn't that a huge difference than it has been in the past? In the past ALL deaf kids rated their quality of life lower than hearing kids. Wouldn't that say that the "social issues" argument is changing?
Didn't the latest research show that CI kids rated their quality of life the same as hearing kids? And isn't that a huge difference than it has been in the past? In the past ALL deaf kids rated their quality of life lower than hearing kids. Wouldn't that say that the "social issues" argument is changing?

Whose fault is that? Deaf people's fault for not being hearing enough?
Wirelessly posted

In the past ALL deaf kids rated their quality of life lower than hearing kids.

Are you refered to CI kids or non-CI kids in the past?
Wirelessly posted

OK. So, are you saying my quality of life was so low than hearing kids in the past? That is what you said ALL deaf kids in the past.....
Wirelessly posted

OK. So, are you saying my quality of life was so low than hearing kids in the past? That is what you said ALL deaf kids in the past.....

She said the deaf kids of the past thought their life quality was lower.

That doesn't mean it was.
rick, we know you had a bad time with some of the more radical Deafies. But you have to understand that was DECADES ago! DECADES!!!! Heck, did you know that back in the day the Deaf community was against HEARING AIDS?!?! Now it's only a small number of older Deafies who are anti HA!!! (and maybe some of the other voice off ASL onliers) That is actually a VERY SMALL population!!!!
the child shows up to school with zero language, has zero follow up at home, they are going to end up in a hideous situation. ASL won't solve that.

You said you had a problem with oral fmilies who don't follow their child's progress, I'm saying that ASL won't fix that problem. The kid will still end up with a sub par education and poor language skills.
That would be an excellent reason for a residental placement. At res schools they have dorm parents who serve as surrougate parents/families. And it's very rare even today that a kid is a complete oral failure. Virtually all kids can benifit from TC you know. I'm sure shel and jillo have seen countless examples of kids who were deemed "oral sucesses" and were introduced to ASL or Deaf ed and now really THRIVE.
Which brings me to my next point. You have only been around for one generation of dhh kids. They were saying the EXACT same stuff about ten or twenty years ago.
Heck they were saying the exact same stuff 25 or 30 years ago. Some dhh kids from back then have really thrived orally....but many others haven't. I bet 20 years ago shel and I (and countless others who were raised oral only) would have been classfied as overall oral sucesses and not likely to ever "need" ASL or deaf culture.
Wirelessly posted

OK. So, are you saying my quality of life was so low than hearing kids in the past? That is what you said ALL deaf kids in the past.....

All the studies in the past have shown that deaf kids rate their quality of life lowerthan hearing kids do. The latest one shows that children with CI's rate their quality of life the same as hearinmg kids. That is a big change.
All the studies in the past have shown that deaf kids rate their quality of life lowerthan hearing kids do. The latest one shows that children with CI's rate their quality of life the same as hearinmg kids. That is a big change.

That's exaclty how hearing people views in us for years like to the day. it's all same same same attitudes except different number of years.
yes, thanks to those deaf people speak out to do whatever they want to make better for their lives, like us.

It does not matter because of the technolgy. it's all about self esteems and knowleges that makes difference in lives. In the past, they don't listen to us completely, but today some of them do listen and make more acceptance better.