'Baby killer' shouted at Democrat after bill's passage

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Keep Joe loose in the bullpen.

I wonder why there was a delay:hmm:

Wednesday Afternoon.... :hmm:
Joe Biden said something that had to beep out after the bill was pass!
Reba, maybe he was trying act "white." Yes, I know. It's Biden you're talking about.
Oh, I get it .. when someone tells the truth, Liberals call it trolling :roll:

Yo, Einstein; your entire post was a troll. You called out a member, misnamed her (I note that you did not edit it yet) making another effort to troll her, and did not say anything else. Maybe FoxesNews would see it from your entirely slanted perspective, but us MOR types see the real intent.
You know with this issue.....

everyone has been doing the trolling thing....

this is a Major controversy in the US...

people are gonna say what they want...

knowing there will be retalitory comments, hidden insults, ego trips, superiority complex, 'my IQ is higher than yours'.

But they have the right to say their piece....to a point as per AD rules.
Yo, Einstein; your entire post was a troll. You called out a member, misnamed her (I note that you did not edit it yet) making another effort to troll her, and did not say anything else. Maybe FoxesNews would see it from your entirely slanted perspective, but us MOR types see the real intent.

The "real" intent has been to expose truth.

I do not pander to disinformants nor do I kowtow to them.
Its mildly amusing that the Democrats are trying to paint the Republican party out to be these evil obstructionist mud slinging nut jobs.

The Democrats used this strategy for the past 9 years. Everyone remembers Bush Bashing ... no?

How convenient it is for the Dems to completely forget Rep. Alan Grayson and his remarks "The republicans want you to die, and they want you to die quickly."

He called Republicans murderers. How's that for mudslinging?

A party that supports murder - abortion, calling a party opposed to murder, murderers. How ironic is that?

Makes him look like a "tough guy" right. Except that he was LYING.

Calling someone a "baby killer" because they were publicly announcing they would not vote on a bill that paid for abortions, then suddenly voted FOR the very bill they publicly stated they opposed ... is well .... mudslinging.

Its not all exclusive to just one party.

Its exclusive to propagandist lying politicians who want your vote.
Wirelessly posted

DGirl101 said:
You know with this issue.....
everyone has been doing the trolling thing....

this is a Major controversy in the US...

people are gonna say what they want...

knowing there will be retalitory comments, hidden insults, ego trips, superiority complex, 'my IQ is higher than yours'.
But they have the right to say their piece....to a point as per AD rules.

While I agreed with you, I feel they really don't care. I won't surprise if they slam you down, harshly sit down on you on your back, and they'll tell how much you're so wrong.....

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That's okay....no skin off my back.

I stated my opinion, they don't have to like it. :D
Here is what I think- just throwing it out there for feedback - its an email I got and it is alarming:

I think we're watching "Checkmate" in action. Why? Word is that Immigration "Reform" is the Obama Administration's next goal,and that they intend on granting Amnesty to the illegals living here now. Estimates put that number at about 15-30 million people. Assuming 90% of them would instantly become life-long loyal Democrat voters (And why wouldn't they? They've just been given US citizenship and US Health Care by a Democrat), any massive "backlash" against the Democrats that appears to be developing right now will really only end up likely being more than countered by the massive increase in the total number of loyal Democrat voters that Amnesty will provide.

I hope I'm wrong. Of course, I do not know if Amnesty would mean they could instantly register to vote for the November 2010 elections (2012 almost certainly), or if some other steps would be required by the legislation. But to me, it looks like this is the reason that the Democrats feel absolutely no need to listen to the wishes of the majority of the electorate right now. Simply put; they are not legislating for this current electorate. They are legislating for the electorate-to-come, the one that will exist after Amnesty is granted to 15-30 million new Democrat voters. It's a trump card. Essentially, this means that 2008 could end up being the last major election that our current electorate (as demographically constituted today) will ever have participated in. Thus, they know that they might never have to answer to this current electorate again. Keep in mind that Obama's victory over McCain was a clear and decisive one. He won 52% to 46%. But the margin was still less than 10 million total votes (69.5 to 59.9 million). With 15-30 million new loyal Democrat voters, it's quite possible that we won't see a GOP majority or President for a very long time, despite the current, wide-spread, and growing surge/anger against the Democrats.

This is very deliberate. And the sequence of Obama's major Agenda items was designed to bring this mega-majority about. The Stimulus bill had to be first, because it feathers the financial bed for Democrats' re-election campaigns. Then Health Care had to be next, because if they granted Amnesty first, then the Health Care proposal would appear much more expensive than the bill makes it appear right now (without the 15-30 million new citizens). By the way, (Union) Card-Check, and Cap and Trade are the other 2 pillars of their plan for cementing lasting Democrat Party majorities and dominance.
Stupak traded his vote for something ...... fishy.


Obama Awarded Hundreds of Thousands in Airport Grants to Stupak’s District Two Days Before Vote
Was this Yet Another Backroom Deal to Force Obama’s Bill Down the American People’s Throats?

Three airports in the district of infamous fence-sitting and ultimately kowtowing Democrat Bart Stupak were awarded $726,409 in grants by the Obama Administration just two days before a vote on Obama and Pelosi’s government takeover of healthcare.

Did Stupak compromise his supposed principled stand against taxpayer funding of abortion in exchange for taxpayer dollars for pet projects?

Alpena County Regional Airport received a $85,500 grant, but had only 7,519 passenger boardings in 2008 (the most recent year for which there is information) according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) data. Alpena County Regional Airport serves fewer passengers than even the late Rep. John Murtha’s famous “Airport for Nobody.”

Delta County Airport has even less customers than that, but still received a $179,209 grant.

Chippewa County International Airport received a $461,700 grant, but had only 13,733 passenger boardings in 2008.

Will Stupak come clean about this apparent backroom deal for his vote?

Call Stupak’s district office at (989) 356 0690 and ask.
And this is probably just the tip of the iceberg......


Picture of an iceberg above and below water with a ship on surface and whales swimming below...they look small.

Sure is. People just don't realize how big an iceberg is.
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