Baby Boomers Will Redefine Notions Of Age

My dad is a baby boomer. There's a six year difference between my parents.

The problem with the baby boomer generation is that they're going to suck up all of the free health care. Hello skyrocketing taxes!
The baby boomers were sandwiched in between caring for their children and parents at the same time. They're shouldered a lot of responsibility. Show them some respect, you young whippersnapper! :laugh2:
My dad is a baby boomer. There's a six year difference between my parents.

The problem with the baby boomer generation is that they're going to suck up all of the free health care. Hello skyrocketing taxes!

I hope my children feel differently and think I am worth a little extra dollars from their paychecks. :lol:
55. Widowed at 53 (he was 6-1/2 years older than me). Not planning to stay single, but not "looking" either. If there is another for me, we will "find" each other.
The baby boomers were sandwiched in between caring for their children and parents at the same time. They're shouldered a lot of responsibility. Show them some respect, you young whippersnapper! :laugh2:

:lol: I've told my dad I will be paying higher taxes because of him. He thinks it's hilarious. :P Apparently I also have to put him in a good nursing home. Little does he know what I've got planned. :cool2:
The powers that be want to pit the younger generation against the older generation. That way, they can divide and conquer. Don't fall for it.
LoveBlue, sorry to hear about your being widowed so young. I hope you do find another some day.

My mom was widowed at age 40 (dad was 43 when he died). She remarried at age 51 (to a "younger man" - gasp!) and we had the fun of adding a bunch of step-brothers to the family. She and my step-dad had some wonderful years together; their middle-aged marriage was very good for both of them. dad's a baby boomer...he had me when he was about 48 years old. I dunno about my mom, she's nearly 50, and had me when she was 28 years old.

I guess due to the increase in baby boomers, that means seeing more old and wrinkly, bodies at the beach sometimes this summer....def not a sight for sore eyes! LOL! LOL! :P :P JUST KIDDING!
Both of my parents are. They don't plan to go anywhere but stay in California, it looks like to me. I could be wrong.