Awesome CI Moments!

Are you kids bi lateral? I ask cause I only have one and have a hard time figuring out exactly which of the 4 elevators is the one that just dinged. I tend to turn in circles. :)

No they are not but we are beginning to think about it for my son.
With my daughter, we would never implant both sides. On her better hearing hear side, she has a severe to profound to severe hearing loss. It is a big lose but with a hearing aide on that side she does well. She has an implant on the other side, she does well with locating sounds.
My son is where the thought has entered our minds. We are beginning to do some research. Since he has never heard anything on the non-implanted side and he has profound hearing loss, we are not sure how well he will do.
Hehe... hearing people with perfect hearing sometimes struggle to hear those stupid speaker things... Don't get frustrated if you find one that's hard to understand! :)

You are so right sometimes I (hearing) can't understand them so I turn to my deaf kids and tell them what did they say. Sometimes my kids understand them better then I do or they tell remember I am deaf, you are hearing if you can't hear what makes you think I can.
Some "Ci-moments" of Lotte... A bit old, but they are great.

There's video of her singing the same song (actually, 2 different songs), one after 13, and after 15 months with CI

Go here

I am loving these "CI moments"!!!

While I have heard just about everything before with my HA's. I can't believe how much more I hear. And am still amazed with all the CI moments I had.

Today, I went to my salon & was happy when I realized I could hear the owner ask me how I was doing and I grinned saying "I'm great, thanks!" then I stopped by the library to ask why I haven't heard from them about "Rebuilt" being in. They said they did call/email but we didn't get it. Turns out that they had the old email addy for me, so I had her put in the updated one & she said someone will call w/in the next 2 wks. I couldn't believe how much I could understand the Librarian and didn't need a pen and paper or to even struggle with asking her to repeat. It was just amazing! I even told her and she was like "That's really neat!" :D

It hasn't even been 2 wks yet til Thurs, that's when I go back for my 2nd map. Yeah!

Hope yall are doing well! :]

Very happy for you, Deafmama :) You are making really good progress for someone who hasn't been switched on for long.