Autism can be cured.

Exactly. I'm concerned because she said her son has/had autism. I wonder if he really did. I'm really thinking the child had multiple food sensitivities that presented with autism like symptoms, and that's the reason the diet approach worked for her son. In this case, she didn't cure autism because the kid didn't have autism. The symptoms abated because she corrected the child's food sensitivies, so yes, it worked for her son. It also might work for others if they also had food sensitivities. But, autism? No.

You're probably right about that but here's what I am thinking, Her son may have been diagnosed with autism but in this case, it probably is not severe. There are various types of autism spectrum out there (which I'm sure you're aware of). The change in the diet may help treat it but it is not a sufficient reason to cure it, though.

There has not been any evidence that MMR vaccines are responsible for even one case of autism. Nor is there any evidence that supports a cure for autism. I find this woman's claims to be irresponsible. She is preying on parents that are looking for any glimmer of hope that their child will be cured.

Yeah, It is just a plain propaganda. As for the vaccines, I remember when I first found out that my son was diagnosed with autism, Of course, I was wanting to know what caused it. At first, I thought it may be the vaccines because I remembered that after the vaccines he had took, his behavioral and language skills quickly declined. But then, later on, it was proven not to be the case.

To have hope is better than having none.

I believe that autism is created by energy inside you, it's not the brain activity or an illness. It's the energy that you feel inside you that alters your behavior, I know because I have studied Autism through Head Start, Disability programs, and meeting the families.

Oddly, I am the most comfortable that an Autism kid would talk to, know this, not ALL would talk to a stranger, but I am no stranger. I'm a wolf in this world.

You're right, It is better to have a hope than having none but however, in this case, I think this kind of approach is not the correct thing to do because the diet alone does not prove it to be curable for autism.

How do you explain the autism is created by the energy inside you? Can you care to elaborate on that? It is a neurological issue, not the energy issue itself that alters the behavior.
I have read about food sensitivity helping improve autism and other kinds mental or chronic body diseases. You basically, have to take a blood test called IgG, which are testing for sensitivities (delayed allergies). It's not the normal IgE taken at an allergist medical setting for instant allergy reactions. Some medical allergist don't believe in the IgG because of data not being consistent. You have to seek Naturopathic to help you with this test as they are more open about this test. This test isn't easily covered by insurance.

I have read about it, and the truth of this is that everyone is different. Avoiding dairy or wheat isn't likely to be bad for your health. On the contrary, what is meant to be healthy for everyone sometimes isn't healthy for certain people. Some people have to avoid certain foods and seek vitamins and minerals in other foods that is healthy for them.

I don't think that Jenny McCarthy is that crazy. I think, like all mothers, she did all the research online and found other methods of trying ways to treat her son's autism. I don't think an individual should only believe only what their doctor says and not look elsewhere.
I've been on a gluten free diet for the majority of my life, and I don't drink milk- for medical and moral reasons. I'm still as autistic as ever. I still rock, flap my hands, scream, can't speak very much, get fixated on topics.. what have you. I'm pretty sure I came out this way, and I'm probably going to die this way, and I'm ok with that. I reason with my limitations and that's alright.

Autism is clearly not 'caused' by any vaccinations, and while I'm all for parents doing their research and making informed choices about vaccination options, I think it's outright irresponsible to tell them not to vaccinate simply because you want to believe that you know what 'made' your child autistic- so that you can have hope that your child can be repaired.

This woman is, frankly, an insult. What kind of parent thinks that a -human being- needs to be fixed because he 'flails his arms'... it's just beyond me.

Not all autistic people can't speak, and those of us that don't speak still laugh if we think something is funny (even if you don't think it is).. likewise, some of us stim by flapping hands/arms, but equally.. I know a man with AS who does so by beatboxing- you don't have to 'fit into the mold'. Those behaviors can certainly fluctuate through life- a weighted blanket might comfort you in elementary, but when you get to college, rocking or tapping your feet might take priority.

I think this is either some deluded woman who needs to accept the fact that her son is autistic and can't (and shouldn't) be fixed like a broken toy, or she's just the mother of a kid who responded badly to food allergy/intolerance and was misdiagnosed.. and she's just taking the opportunity to collect cash by selling books offering the same 'cure' for autism that has been spun a million different times: a highly restrictive diet that is needless intervention for autistic children without DOCUMENTED food sensitivity or allergy. While it is not dangerous, we're talking about making your child unable to eat everything from ketchup to ice cream or a slice of pizza or birthday cake at a friend's party.

imdeafsowhat: what is good about hoping that g-d will swoop on in and change your child so that they are the ideal, affection giving, speaking child? You can circle around the idea that autistic people somehow 'need' fixing because it is an inferior life, but how many autistic people have said that?

What that parent SHOULD be working for, not praying for, as should all autistic children's parents are real solutions for real limitations- things like the countless alternative communication methods, calming/coping mechanisms- which sometimes can be things not self-produced, like a small weighted toy to keep a fidgeting child still, to a safe-to-chew toy to relax with, to figuring out schedules and bargaining with changes. Those are REAL important things, not some imaginary dietary limitations.

To the outside looking in, someone might say that death would be a LOT better than being deaf, but I would hope most people here know better. The same can be said of autism.. unless you've looked in (and you cannot, short of figuring out a way to rewire the very way you exist).. you cannot say that it is so horrible that it needs to be fixed.

I don't think humans should be called broken- certainly not because we 'flail around' instead of engaging in socially acceptable behaviors.
There are times when I firmly believe a celebrity should not be a spokesperson for autism/blindness/deafness/youfillintheblanks.

This is a perfect reason why.
i just think its naive for her to be a spokesperson for this whole thing. When you have an income as her and jim carrey combined, its actually not exactly a blueprint for the rest of america. She got the services from the best the country had to offer who specialize in autism. I DO however applaud her for writing the books as an inspiration that things can be better for your autistic child. Its possible. Her son is doing better, true enough. But to just say "i cured my kid--this is how you do it" is kind of like dancing on the grave of the lower class america who dont have that luxory of going the same route she did. Autism doctors, DAN doctors whatever the hell you want to call them, theres not a big plethora of them committed to just austisic behavior. Your everyday pediatrictian doesnt just cut it because this is something only in the last 10 years has finally surfaced, come to light that yes 1 in 150 kids are going to get this based on statitistics and 10 years in medical years is like 1-2 years for the rest of us.
i just think its naive for her to be a spokesperson for this whole thing. When you have an income as her and jim carrey combined, its actually not exactly a blueprint for the rest of america. She got the services from the best the country had to offer who specialize in autism. I DO however applaud her for writing the books as an inspiration that things can be better for your autistic child. Its possible. Her son is doing better, true enough. But to just say "i cured my kid--this is how you do it" is kind of like dancing on the grave of the lower class america who dont have that luxory of going the same route she did. Autism doctors, DAN doctors whatever the hell you want to call them, theres not a big plethora of them committed to just austisic behavior. Your everyday pediatrictian doesnt just cut it because this is something only in the last 10 years has finally surfaced, come to light that yes 1 in 150 kids are going to get this based on statitistics and 10 years in medical years is like 1-2 years for the rest of us.

Agreed. While Jenny may have thought what was the best for her son - It still does not give her the excuse to spray a false hope on the rest of this country with so many parents that are struggling on a daily basis fighting to all lengths with the health insurance companies to get the treatments that are very much needed for these children/adults with autism.

Yeah, It may be possible for one but like I said earlier in this thread, it does not always work for every one or other. There is still a LONG way to go. Will a cure be ever found? We just don't know that. Yes, It can be treated with early intervention but as far as going for basing the "diet" to completely cure autism is way far fetched.
I thought you guys might want to find an old issue of Scientific American Feb. 2009 for the article on "Fold the Brain" (page 66). It talks about how the brain folds and it might help the diagnosis and treament of autism, schizophrenia and other mental disorders. I haven't really start reading it as I just picked up a stack of old Scientific American magazines today.

I just found the link where you can read it now.
Exploring the Folds of the Brain--And Their Links to Autism: Scientific American
I don't support the idea that autism is caused by food allergies and sensitivities.
I thought that the current thinking was that there were autisms, meaning a group of related disorders that manifest the same, but have different causes. I do think in SOME (note, I said SOME) cases, autism might be triggered by severe food allergies. After all, people with PKU if they ingest a certain food, can develop mental retardation. So why couldn't severe food sensitivities or vitimin defincieies cause autisim?
Autisim is a legitimate disorder. It has been seen as a symptom in various and sundry nereological syndromes.
I wonder thou if it's kind of overdx. Especially on the high functioning end of the spectrum It does kind of seem like docs see a kid with social issues, and they are automaticly "Aspergers" I think many experts and docs tend to forget that kids with learning disabilites and add issues tend to also have social issues. That doesn't mean that they are Asperger's.
Also I think that Asperger's is not exactly HFA. It's's definitly related..............BUT I've known Aspies (basicly geeks and nerds) and I've also known HFA people. HFA seem to be more "obviously" autistic...Make sense?
And I agree with everyone else...... Jenny McCarthy is an out of it clueless ditz.
I read her book and she was all " Oh I thought it was SO cute when my little boy would line up his toys" VERY out of it. And she said that her son is still fasinated by fans and flaps his arms....Meaning he's still autistic, although now on the high functioning end.
I am skeptical as everyone else about diet curing autism, but dont rule out diet for affecting symptoms.

I have ostereo-arthritis and the foods I eat have a noticable affect on pain syptoms. Foods like salmon have the good fats that reduce inflammation where as soybean oil in salad dressing increases inflammation.

To put it into numbers, when I eat the wrong foods the pain level will be a 6, and when I eat the right foods it reduces the pain level to 4. It doesnt sound like much but the anti inflammatory medications available dont eliminate all the pain. They reduce it a couple of notches. So if I eat the right foods and take the mediciene the pain level will be a managable 2.