Kayla1234, don't take it personally.....I think shel is mostly venting... And I mean she's not a Sweetmind (ie extreme anti CI) She's NOT saying that there aren't sucess stories. Just that, just as with hearing aids, results vary enourmously across the board.
I guess too, that she,me and jillo are more targeting our comments towards the parents who are very audist. I've got a lot more to say, but I need to get to bed.......been a long day. deafdyke
Mind you, deafdyke There are too many huge oral militants here as well. You dont know nothing about me. I am not a Deaf militant since I was freaking ex deaf oralist if you mind after all those experiences I HAD for years and years. That is full of hogwash about having oral method rules only that these men are still use that kind of audist attitudes. Guess what I am not the only one who is against CI on these Deaf children who doesnt want it. Those deaf children have no way to stop their parents if you mind after all, the parents knew a deaf child doesnt want it. That's inhuman cruel treatment toward Deaf children. They give us impression that we must deal with a hearing world only that is bullshyte. They did not have any choices to prevent that happens. This is not the honorable awards for anyone to take over Deaf children s physical body that is usually become more double disabled as usual. SO BE IT because they do not have any faiths in Deaf children's natural abilities and adaptations. They are against their Deaf children 's wills.
Why dont you come up to me and face it with me instead of backstabbing on my back as u knew I dont come here since last June. I have counted many knives from you and others. (LOL) Guess what, I dont give a shyte about people 's thinking of me anymore because it doesnt matter anymore since I am not a horrible person like Beast 666. (LOL) Nice try, DeafDyke you think you know it all but NOT. So here I am.
Also, thank you SexyPorkie and few others for speaking it out. That was a nice of you and few others who did it.
I saw it Ricky aka Rick48 and CI pop and Gosnism aka Cloggy and his dishonest ghostwriter friend of Beast 666 so it tells me they are not being honest from a start. They have a huge nasty mind games with you all along as I saw the truth that they are taking advantage of you deaf people all along as i can see it in their own hearing words only after all, deaf oralists with a very negative attitude went all along with those Audism militants who are a huge disrespectful attacks deaf/hearing people with a positive outlook about Deaf children's needs that should come first.
Whats more I can see Cloggy and Rick48 are not being honest since they are actually avoiding to use Sign Language as much as they can since I have watched and read them closely for a long time. I immediately knew what are they up to for a long time. Their negative audist attitude shows me that they want their children must to have HEAR AND SPEAK ONLY from a start that I already saw it thru my Deaf eyes. I am not sorry for being so blunt because it ticks me off the way parents are trying to cover up their buns to pretend they use sign language a lot more than we know. However it s actually that they dont use it much and keep saying my CI child doesnt need or want to use Sign Language that is full of crapola.
Whats more Cloggy doesnt use ASL but other foreign language in his hometown. I truly remember he mentioned that there is no sign language in that area. So thats how I got the fishy feelings all along. NO one can read my deep thinking with the bottom of my heart. I knew the truth all along from a start that you dont know nothing.
Thats the way CI Representative s way of saying to those people out there that is why I said all adveristment shows that they are hearing as a latened deaf person as usual. Read many CI adveristment or website and read it closely and carefully, please. Then you might understand where I am coming from.
CI deaf children is not a hearing person. So be it! All they do is ability to hear many sounds like HA device but it doesnt mean they are able to hear everything with those devices like what hearing people can hear if you mind.
It s about time for someone woke up and see there is not full honest going on by these men from a start.
Thank you!
