Audism Free America

Wow, reading some members talking about how audist their hearing family are. Thank goodness that my mom is not much of an audist. She got better and better because I taught her so much while I was growing up. I was impressed one time she told my Deaf brother to use ASL in front of me at the dinner table, told him that that was disrespectful manner when he attempted to talk to her without ASL. Yes, my Deaf brother is audist sometimes!! Sad. My eldest sister is good too because she has a lot of understanding about Deaf Culture and deafness. She used to work as a conselor for some deaf clients.
I just now read this entire thread - really deserves a prize-winning double-facepalm.

I'm sorry to say this, but ... do the deafies even realize how loud they actually are, from a hearing person's point of view? They (deafies) need to realize that they are actually speaking OF (not for) themselves.

Exactly like how one episode of an old NBC sitcom "Friends" where Phoebe falls asleep in the coffeehouse, then wakes up and explains to her group of friends why she zonked out - she stayed up all night trying to fall asleep but couldn't only because of her deaf neighbors having loud sex (okay, they are old neighbors who are late-deafened, but still you get my point) ... IIRC, what Phoebe said was this exact quote:

"... they are old, and deaf. They kept reassuring each other they had a great time - you have no idea how LOUD they were!"

And, speaking of my own experiences at college, I once had a suitemate (he's very cute, btw) who has had a deaf roommate before he met me - he told me that deafie was definitely NOT quiet at all (and I'm glad I never met that deafie at all). I was like "aha, figures - why should I be surprised?" He laughed - and we got along well.

The point behind those 2 points stated above is, there has to be some audists around, in the sociological view (I took 3 sociology classes at college). Without diversity, this country wouldn't have existed, or better yet the entire world!

So, please rethink, or if possible, drop the whole "Audism-Free America" thing. No wonder why hearies say that deafies "have a chip on their shoulders," and sorry, oppression doesn't really count as a good counter-answer ... think about it. What is the closest sociological group? La familia (the family) - it always start with your family from birth to death, even if it's just one deafie in a whole family of hearies. Each family has its own values, norms, folkways, and mores.

Just ... *taps on side of forehead* think about it. Please.

Umm, haven't you heard the hearing couple having sex so loudly in their voice and moaning so loud in the next room to you? I guess not.

Oppression doesn't exist? Are you serious? MMmokay. :ugh2:
Holy Crap, AG Bell is spying on AFA!

Oh I support AFA, i mean Assholes Free America LOL thats even harder than IFA LMAO in my opinion idiots can be assholes but asshole can't be idiots, maybe that should be in another thread to discuss:giggle:
If you were a ball player, you would have one hell of a batting average. Wrong again
Are there stats on what percentage of dhh kids get spoken language training? I do think a lot of the AG Bad parents who think that Deaf Schools don't provide a lot of spoken language training, are the ones who either parrot what the oral experts say, or they want "auditory verbal style overachievers"
Are there stats on what percentage of dhh kids get spoken language training? I do think a lot of the AG Bad parents who think that Deaf Schools don't provide a lot of spoken language training, are the ones who either parrot what the oral experts say, or they want "auditory verbal style overachievers"

I've not seen any stats on just that figure.
I just now read this entire thread - really deserves a prize-winning double-facepalm.

I'm sorry to say this, but ... do the deafies even realize how loud they actually are, from a hearing person's point of view? They (deafies) need to realize that they are actually speaking OF (not for) themselves.

Exactly like how one episode of an old NBC sitcom "Friends" where Phoebe falls asleep in the coffeehouse, then wakes up and explains to her group of friends why she zonked out - she stayed up all night trying to fall asleep but couldn't only because of her deaf neighbors having loud sex (okay, they are old neighbors who are late-deafened, but still you get my point) ... IIRC, what Phoebe said was this exact quote:

"... they are old, and deaf. They kept reassuring each other they had a great time - you have no idea how LOUD they were!"

And, speaking of my own experiences at college, I once had a suitemate (he's very cute, btw) who has had a deaf roommate before he met me - he told me that deafie was definitely NOT quiet at all (and I'm glad I never met that deafie at all). I was like "aha, figures - why should I be surprised?" He laughed - and we got along well.

The point behind those 2 points stated above is, there has to be some audists around, in the sociological view (I took 3 sociology classes at college). Without diversity, this country wouldn't have existed, or better yet the entire world!

So, please rethink, or if possible, drop the whole "Audism-Free America" thing. No wonder why hearies say that deafies "have a chip on their shoulders," and sorry, oppression doesn't really count as a good counter-answer ... think about it. What is the closest sociological group? La familia (the family) - it always start with your family from birth to death, even if it's just one deafie in a whole family of hearies. Each family has its own values, norms, folkways, and mores.

Just ... *taps on side of forehead* think about it. Please.

Hello, audist. :wave:
I just now read this entire thread - really deserves a prize-winning double-facepalm.

I'm sorry to say this, but ... do the deafies even realize how loud they actually are, from a hearing person's point of view? They (deafies) need to realize that they are actually speaking OF (not for) themselves.

Exactly like how one episode of an old NBC sitcom "Friends" where Phoebe falls asleep in the coffeehouse, then wakes up and explains to her group of friends why she zonked out - she stayed up all night trying to fall asleep but couldn't only because of her deaf neighbors having loud sex (okay, they are old neighbors who are late-deafened, but still you get my point) ... IIRC, what Phoebe said was this exact quote:

"... they are old, and deaf. They kept reassuring each other they had a great time - you have no idea how LOUD they were!"

And, speaking of my own experiences at college, I once had a suitemate (he's very cute, btw) who has had a deaf roommate before he met me - he told me that deafie was definitely NOT quiet at all (and I'm glad I never met that deafie at all). I was like "aha, figures - why should I be surprised?" He laughed - and we got along well.

The point behind those 2 points stated above is, there has to be some audists around, in the sociological view (I took 3 sociology classes at college). Without diversity, this country wouldn't have existed, or better yet the entire world!

So, please rethink, or if possible, drop the whole "Audism-Free America" thing. No wonder why hearies say that deafies "have a chip on their shoulders," and sorry, oppression doesn't really count as a good counter-answer ... think about it. What is the closest sociological group? La familia (the family) - it always start with your family from birth to death, even if it's just one deafie in a whole family of hearies. Each family has its own values, norms, folkways, and mores.

Just ... *taps on side of forehead* think about it. Please.

You think 3 soc classes makes you know the complexities of sociology? I don't think so. Yes, each family does have its own norms, but the society as a whole does as well... and that helps to shape the families norms and values.
Deaf people, or at least the ones I know, do know that they can be very loud, but hearies are loud too, they are consistently looking down on Deaf culture, they are consistently having the "oh poor you" attitude about being Deaf, and that is a product of our current culture, not individual family values and norms. It is that society tries to put each of us in little boxes, boxes that may not fit us, but we are forced into them, be they gender, age, race, or ability... and they judge us based on those boxes we are put into... have you ever heard of the invisible knapsack? May not have been taught in your 3 soc classes, well when tweaked a little, it can be used for Deaf identity too... take a look at it... White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
ya know what, yes, maybe some of us Deaf do have a chip on our shoulders, but look at conflict theory... since you brought up the sociological view point, change has to start SOMEWHERE. The oppressed do have to rise over the oppressor. Maybe, just maybe, have you ever thought about it, that chip is deserved... ?
If you want to try and tell me you know everything about sociology and how it applies to Deaf culture, then sure... give me a lesson... because I'm sure my degree and my credentials will show you different. I don't claim to know everything there is about sociology, yes i was a soc major, yes I do have my degree, but even those with PhD's can't honestly say they know everything there is about soc, it is a social science and is constantly changing... but I can tell you I know a HELL of a lot more about it then you do with your amazing 3 classes...

to the other posters... sorry if this seems a little rude... but this just pissed me off... I took 3 psych classes in college so according to MDCodeRedFreak I could claim I know about psychology... I'm sure those who majored would think quite differently about that idea....
I took 3 psych classes in college so according to MDCodeRedFreak I could claim I know about psychology... I'm sure those who majored would think quite differently about that idea....

Come on, we all know that after the first 3 classes of anything, the rest is just a bunch of made up fluff designed to keep you paying for college for the rest of your life.

Most of time, I always get a responds from SOME hearings people every time I told them that I am deaf "Oh that sucks!" or "Damn, it sucks badly." or more like that. I hate this shit. That's bullshit. Being deaf is awesome. Nothing wrong with being deaf! These people need to shut up. One time, somebody said that to me "Are you allowed to cross the street?". What the fuck is that!?!?
I'm serious. My parents would NOT allow me to cross the street, ever. My dad's worst fear was that I would get hit by the car.
I'm serious. My parents would NOT allow me to cross the street, ever. My dad's worst fear was that I would get hit by the car.

I can relate. I wasn't allowed to ride a bike or do most anything for that reason.
What? Seriously??

Yah, on my first day at college my dorm roomate didn't believe that I had driver's license to drive. She said deaf people were not supposed to drive. Something was odd with her thinking since Buffalo has roughly 3,000 deafies and it has deaf centered school in the city. I took my wallet out from my pocket and handed my license to her, guess what her reaction was. Lol.
Yah, on my first day at college my dorm roomate didn't believe that I had driver's license to drive. She said deaf people were not supposed to drive. Something was odd with her thinking since Buffalo has roughly 3,000 deafies and it has deaf centered school in the city. I took my wallet out from my pocket and handed my license to her, guess what her reaction was. Lol.

Could she be from another country? Some countries have some asinine laws regarding what deaf people can't do. Or was she born and raised in Buffalo? I wasn't sure if you mean to say that she was born and raised there or you went to college in Buffalo.

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