Audism as a crutch excuse?

Not ALL hearing people are like that. Please don't lump us into one category.

When I am speaking of hearing people, I mean those who refused to learn sign language. I don't have anything againist hearing people who know sign language like interpreters and others like Jillio. I know that they aren't for audism. Read between the lines, buddy. :cool2:
Shameless self promotion, and evidence of misunderstanding of the many cultural and humanitarian concepts involved. Why am I not surprised?:hmm:

I don't have a problem showing that the origination of the word "deafhoodism" came from me. I understand the many concepts, it doesn't mean I have to agree with all of them. Please continue with the indirect and personal attacks in such a disguised form. That's the nth time so far since you came back. Attack the arguments, not the person. You've been duly noted.
Audism takes in many forms.

Thinking that you're better than other Deaf because your family is genetically deaf... is one form of audism.

Audism takes in many forms, yes i couldn't agree more. But the form you're talking about is not audism. That form is entirely different. Audism means discrimination from the hearings to the deafs. Audism started long time ago before the 1900's where people would call deaf people like me "dumb","mutes", and several other words deaf people would find insulting. Somewhere from the 1950's to 1960's deaf people had to go to "oral" school for the deaf, when i say "oral", i mean they wouldn't let us use sign language at all, we were forced to try and talk because the hearings back then thought we could learn how to communicate. i would like to say something about the people from back then who thought we could learn by being forced to talk: First of all, whoever founded the so-called "oral" school for the deaf and anyone who tried to "help" is the one who should be called dumb, if u dont agree then i want you to read this: "Oral" School for the DEAF!! What does the word deaf mean? huh? Why would you force us to talk when you know we can't hear? (speaking to the founder) BEAT THAT DUMB-A**!!! :mad: (now speaking to souggy) Do you have anything else to say? If u do, I would be glad to answer your question(s). Readers too, any questions regarding audism i will gladly answer too. good day.
Um, do you even know WHO coined the word?

"The notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or behave in the manner of one who hears."

In 1977, Tom Humphries defined it in his study: Communicating across cultures (deaf-/hearing) and language learning

So given that definition, there is the reverse discrimination or what grummer like to call it, deafism. However since is based on "ability to hear" which means if you cannot hear, you are at the top of the pyramid in the Deaf (of Deaf) world.

So it is audism. Period. It is not a word that is strictly applicable to hearing that discriminate. it is also for the deaf who discriminate. It's comparable to how certain black people can be racist toward white people, and how white people can be racist toward black people. Even "wankers" and "honkys" are words unique only to the black culture, it is still racism albeit in a reverse form in which the minority can be racist against the majority.

the 1900's where people would call deaf people like me "dumb","mutes", and several other words deaf people would find insulting.

Get your facts right on that. "Dumb" didn't means "stupid" until the mid-1900s. In early 1900s and earlier, it just means you couldn't speak. Same thing with "mute." It didn't means you were dumb, it means you couldn't speak.
Um, do you even know WHO coined the word?

"The notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or behave in the manner of one who hears."

In 1977, Tom Humphries defined it in his study: Communicating across cultures (deaf-/hearing) and language learning

So given that definition, there is the reverse discrimination or what grummer like to call it, deafism. However since is based on "ability to hear" which means if you cannot hear, you are at the top of the pyramid in the Deaf (of Deaf) world.

So it is audism. Period. It is not a word that is strictly applicable to hearing that discriminate. it is also for the deaf who discriminate. It's comparable to how certain black people can be racist toward white people, and how white people can be racist toward black people. Even "wankers" and "honkys" are words unique only to the black culture, it is still racism albeit in a reverse form in which the minority can be racist against the majority.

Get your facts right on that. "Dumb" didn't means "stupid" until the mid-1900s. In early 1900s and earlier, it just means you couldn't speak. Same thing with "mute." It didn't means you were dumb, it means you couldn't speak.

Racist is nothing similar to audism. The term race meaning white, black, hispanic and so on and -ist meaning bad intention based on the word racist. So basically yes you are right about that. As for audism, the term "aud" as in audio for hearing or sound and -ism, like above, meaning bad intention for the word audism. Now let me ask you this, since when have people made bad intention towards hearing? None right? But for the deaf? Plenty. If you say that there has been a part when a deaf person discriminates a hearing person has happened then prove it. After all, you are the one saying that. So if you think thats true then all i ask is proof.
Right, discrimination and the feeling of superiority. The notion of a "cure" means that hearing is superior and the idea that we need to cured alone is discriminatory if you look at it from a culturally Deaf model or even a social model of disability if you aren't culturally Deaf. If you are aligned with Deaf culture and someone tells you they want to "cure" you that is discrimination! It is most certainly audism!
or is it just the difference in perspective of deafness as pathalogical or cultural.
Racist is nothing similar to audism. The term race meaning white, black, hispanic and so on and -ist meaning bad intention based on the word racist. So basically yes you are right about that. As for audism, the term "aud" as in audio for hearing or sound and -ism, like above, meaning bad intention for the word audism. Now let me ask you this, since when have people made bad intention towards hearing? None right? But for the deaf? Plenty. If you say that there has been a part when a deaf person discriminates a hearing person has happened then prove it. After all, you are the one saying that. So if you think thats true then all i ask is proof.

It's called "Deaf of Deaf." I know what I am talking about because I used to be part of the "Deaf of Deaf" crowd. They reject other Deaf people based on their genetic history. If they come from hearing parents, they don't "belong" in the group. That is a form of audism. Grummer likes to call it deafism, however it just weird to give a reverse-discrimination its own name when it's already defined by Humparies.

Some people reject other deaf people based on the fact they could talk on the cellphone. Audism. Some Deaf say that you're not "deaf" enough if you can still hear certain things. Audism. One of the members on the forum blasted another user and called her a "hearing-oppressor," unfortunately the thread got removed this morning, so I cannot link to it at the moment. Hell, I know of deaf people full out reject those that have Auditory Processing Disorder.I know of a Deaf couple in Winnipeg that gave up their hearing baby for adoption, but kept all their genetically deaf babies. Audism.

You might want to read this CODA's regrets: Still audism in a weird way.

No, they are not different. They are just words to describe the concept. Ageism, racism, sexism, classism and reverse-discrimination applies to all of them:

Ageism - Discrimination based on age (young, old, middle)
Sexism - Discrimination based on gender (male, female, heterosexual, homosexual, transsexual and transgender)
Logocism/Linguacism - Discrimination based on language
Classism - Discrimination based on class (lower, middle, upper middle, upper class)
Racism - Discrimination based on races
Audism - Discrimination based on hearing (profoundly deaf, severely deaf, moderately deaf, mildly deaf or "hard-of-hearing," and fully-hearing)
Ableism - Discrimination based on disability or lack of disability

All of these have examples of reverse-discriminations. So yes, audism is comparable to racism. The only different is the that the root words are different with the same suffix. Same concept.

Anytime a society become stratified, it is a sign that discrimination is occurring. And the Deaf-World is stratified.
They are deaf audists

It's called "Deaf of Deaf." I know what I am talking about because I used to be part of the "Deaf of Deaf" crowd. They reject other Deaf people based on their genetic history. If they come from hearing parents, they don't "belong" in the group. That is a form of audism. Grummer likes to call it deafism, however it just weird to give a reverse-discrimination its own name when it's already defined by Humparies.

Some people reject other deaf people based on the fact they could talk on the cellphone. Audism. Some Deaf say that you're not "deaf" enough if you can still hear certain things. Audism. One of the members on the forum blasted another user and called her a "hearing-oppressor," unfortunately the thread got removed this morning, so I cannot link to it at the moment. Hell, I know of deaf people full out reject those that have Auditory Processing Disorder.I know of a Deaf couple in Winnipeg that gave up their hearing baby for adoption, but kept all their genetically deaf babies. Audism.

You might want to read this CODA's regrets: Still audism in a weird way.

No, they are not different. They are just words to describe the concept. Ageism, racism, sexism, classism and reverse-discrimination applies to all of them:

Ageism - Discrimination based on age (young, old, middle)
Sexism - Discrimination based on gender (male, female, heterosexual, homosexual, transsexual and transgender)
Logocism/Linguacism - Discrimination based on language
Classism - Discrimination based on class (lower, middle, upper middle, upper class)
Racism - Discrimination based on races
Audism - Discrimination based on hearing (profoundly deaf, severely deaf, moderately deaf, mildly deaf or "hard-of-hearing," and fully-hearing)
Ableism - Discrimination based on disability or lack of disability

All of these have examples of reverse-discriminations. So yes, audism is comparable to racism. The only different is the that the root words are different with the same suffix. Same concept.

Anytime a society become stratified, it is a sign that discrimination is occurring. And the Deaf-World is stratified.
Seems like the "deaf of deaf" crowd are a bunch of audists.