ATTN: Steel X


Active Member
Premium Member
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Happy birthday :deal:
Ahh SteelX...happy b-day, dude... do get all smashed up for us eh and hoot it up!!
Thanks guys althoug I know I barely come here anymore as I used to and I felt like I have to move on or something but of course I will never forget this website where i met so many deaf ppl and all and it've been a fun 5 years since I've regiestered there. Although I know we didnt all get a long and I know I've been an asshole in some parts but who havent? this is an discussion forum where we share thoughts, opinons, arguements, etc whatever like that and I've enjoy talkin to you all since but now I feel that its proably time for some change as for me to move on and all so dont worry about me since u got a future of ur own to worry about.

I hope you all have a nice and healthy life and future towards you. Life is difficult yeah but whatever happens, just dont give up on yourself. EVER.

Thanks AD and I appericate the birthday greetings.

Take care and farewell.
Happy birthday Steel X and all the best for your future. :)
Happy Birthday SteelX
