Attn: Guys who would you like to...

LOL!! Very cute, Prostock! I love it! Allison, why... PINK??! :D

If you don't have any 3 chickies, guys and gals, how about making a list that you wish would be your 3 chickies? :)

Guys wanting guys as chickies, go ahead!
Originally posted by kuifje75
Ummm, ummmm....
The only girl in this AD2 that would fit my requirements would be Aphrodite, because she loves to travel and loves to enjoy life. As for others, I really :dunno:

Only me? I will try to help you to find other 2 chickies to meet your requirements - but I don't see any so far.
Originally posted by prostock19
Here are my chickies!!! I know this is all in fun.

SheildTalisman, AllisonJoy (3 Years Ago), and Complex

Nicely done! :D
Originally posted by kuifje75
I just had a thought...
How about I "own" nobody. Instead, I'll depart from the "Charlie's Angels" theme and settle on a parody of "Lonely Planet" or "Globetrekker" shows (travelling shows). Aphrodite and I can be deaf guides. Call the show "Deaf Planet" or something like that? What do you think Aphrodite? Any idea for a name?

As they say in Germany, "Auf Wiederhören!" (Until I hear from you again)

Way friggin' cool idea!

Let me think of a name, and I will get back to that.
every ladies here are my freelance chickies !! thats mean i don't own them at all as they are free to come and go since i already own my wife !

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