ATTN: Facebook Users

What the different for Alldeaf's blog and while we join the facebook?
I have my own facebook since last summer. I have myspace too.
Why you think Facebook is an evil?? It's not true! What's wrong with Facebook?? I have no problem with it. I like these groups and more application. You can find your new and old friends at facebook. It's not a EVIL! Duh!

Facebook is evil, very, very evil. :rifle:

I prefer the forum like this. :wiggle:
Why you think Facebook is an evil?? It's not true! What's wrong with Facebook?? I have no problem with it. I like these groups and more application. You can find your new and old friends at facebook. It's not a EVIL! Duh!

It is a privacy thing. Lots of problems for universities and students with regards to cheating and study groups. Just had a big brouhaha with Ryerson University over Facebook.

Besides it is easy to find old friends; Google them. :cool2:
It is a privacy thing. Lots of problems for universities and students with regards to cheating and study groups. Just had a big brouhaha with Ryerson University over Facebook.

Besides it is easy to find old friends; Google them. :cool2:

Okay. I am not in college student. I am not join this group with strange people. I don't know them. I prefer to have a family and friends which I know who. I have no idea about cheating and study groups. That's weird! Maybe they help the homeworks. I guess.
finally joined on facebook so hope you all can recongize me even tho I lost over 50 pounds :) seecha around on facebook then :cool:
I joined - and you might have noticed me there already :cool2:
If you have MySpace, why don't you make a group there as well? And besides I have privacy issue as well, along with many of people getting much of the information out of my ass.
It is deep in the list --- check out for my face, it is same as the avatar ;)