Hi Alex, I e-mailed you on the other day, but haven't heard back from you for a few weeks.
Can you please get back to me?
You actually emailed him the other day?? and waited for two weeks???
Somewhat an exaggeration!!!
You intellectual elitist! I see now that you're of the cow variety. LOL!
Yes, dear Bott. I'm talking to you. Don't bite me!
Is this about the UK Deaf website?
If so, please forward me that email
Wirelessly posted (BlackBerry8700/4.1.0 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/100)
No, it was deleted. I get a lot of emails asking for link partners on a daily basis, and yours got deleted. Sorry.
I'm willing to take another look, so please resend to webmaster(at)alldeaf.com