blehhhh either way i feel i am so thats it.
And wtf is up with this whole 'left nut' thing? 

pinkster said:blehhhh either way i feel i am so thats it.And wtf is up with this whole 'left nut' thing?
WaterRats13 said:I really love this
icon...it really cracks me up..wish you used that, pinkster!
BTW, be glad that you have FRIENDS -- true blue ones!![]()
pinkster said:you cant always winim not a big fan of the smilies so i didnt use it.. dont get me wrong they are cool
WaterRats13 said:That's alright -- no offence taken.I just like the smilie icons so much as I think I can express in a different and 'unique' way, ha!
prostock19 said:Lol. Just an expression that I say all the time. LOL. Then usually is say something like, "when you're done, suck the right one so that it won't be jealous."
BTW, Is dad going to Gally again this year?
pinkster said:sadly yeshe left on the 4th of aug, staying with friends till school starts
prostock19 said:LOL. I know. I shouldn't type on my Sidekick and Drive.
For pics of Jams Visit, go to http://prostock19.tripod.com/vacapics0802.htm
SilenceGold said:I got two bells that need some licking! :p