Attention: Playstation 3 User only!! Need some help

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Jan 20, 2008
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Hello Playstation3 Users=-)
Can i get some help because i jux recently got a Playstation 3 since last week. I was trying to figture it out how can i connect with my friends who had a playstation 3 but my friend and i not able to connect to playin a games. I have a NBA Live 2009 but my friend don't have it. So i was asked him to playin with me for NBA Live 2009. By the way, I want my friend to connect me to playin NBA Live 2009 but we don't know how to connect with it. My friend and i did trying to download for ... Playstation Store then download from NBA demo but it's seem not workin right now. So can you help me to lead to setting it up for connect to join to playin? Thanks!!

PS: Plz don't topic off from this subject but only for talkin about connects, to join with other PS3 Users, or whatever subject " Playstation 3 User help each other only ". I can ask admin or moderator if you talk off the topic, thanks =-]
Hello Playstation3 Users=-)
Can i get some help because i jux recently got a Playstation 3 since last week. I was trying to figture it out how can i connect with my friends who had a playstation 3 but my friend and i not able to connect to playin a games. I have a NBA Live 2009 but my friend don't have it. So i was asked him to playin with me for NBA Live 2009. By the way, I want my friend to connect me to playin NBA Live 2009 but we don't know how to connect with it. My friend and i did trying to download for ... Playstation Store then download from NBA demo but it's seem not workin right now. So can you help me to lead to setting it up for connect to join to playin? Thanks!!

PS: Plz don't topic off from this subject but only for talkin about connects, to join with other PS3 Users, or whatever subject " Playstation 3 User help each other only ". I can ask admin or moderator if you talk off the topic, thanks =-]

Check your PSN, if work then connect should be fine and check another thing such as browser to see if you still online at network then it should be fine too. So something about game limit or between you and friend might have problem. That's my guess.
Check your PSN, if work then connect should be fine and check another thing such as browser to see if you still online at network then it should be fine too. So something about game limit or between you and friend might have problem. That's my guess.

My friend and i was chat online and using message... it's seem working but i mean my friend and i do not know how to connect, he is live in Chicago and i live in Milwaukee. How can i ask him to join with me to playin NBA Live 2009 so we can playin NBA Live 2009 but one thing problem is he don't have a NBA Live 2009 video game. I don't have to pick him up at chicago to come over my house and playin NBA Live 2009 but all is i want to invite him to join to playin NBA Live 2009 at Playstation 3, do you understand?
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