Attention Deaf258 :)....


♥"Concrete Angel"♥
Premium Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score
Welcome back Deaf258!!!, so good to see you again :hug:
I know. Me, too! I think we got drunk and woke up in bed on New Year's day few years ago!

I don't remember what did happen during black-out?

All I can recall is panties and tickling, and contemplating whether I should try coke or meth. I got so rapped up in trying to choose, I passed out.
All I can recall is panties and tickling, and contemplating whether I should try coke or meth. I got so rapped up in trying to choose, I passed out.


I recall you had a thing for wearing them! And, yes, your panties were ticklish!

Wow! Deaf258, I have been wondering when you would ever make a return to AllDeaf. Welcome back! :)