atten: moderators

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Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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It would be nice if any threads got locked and i need to know who locked the threads.

this past few weeks, there are few threads that got locked without who locked the threads.

unless there have any rules for moderators to be hidding who locked the threads?

But i d like to know why can't the moderator come forward to give the reasons why the threads got locked.

for example, my recent thread got locked without explaining yet this thread is about ASL that most people use.

thank you for your time to read it here.

I can't find my thread called ' the hate has to now now' was that locked?
I'm not sure why you would need to know who locked your thread? If a thread is locked it is locked for a reason. I know usually when I lock one I make a mod note when I lock it. A lot of the time you guys don't understand that you fight constantly with each other. So most times a thread that gets out of hand just gets locked to stop the arguing.

Why do I lock threads?

Personally when I get multiple reports in the same thread and it goes way off topic I lock it, sometimes when cleaned up it will show back up but most times its not. You would think after awhile you guys would know not to discuss certain things with certain people because some of the members here obviously can't play nice. It becomes a headache when not all mods are around and our emails are getting pinged SO VERY MUCH! So when that happens, take the thread away and problem solved. Im not sure what threads you are speaking of.
Also, there isn't a rule saying we hide who locked it, why would there be? But there isnt a rule that says we have to tell you who did either. Usually when I lock one like I said I make a note.

Hope that helps.
I'm not sure why you would need to know who locked your thread? If a thread is locked it is locked for a reason. I know usually when I lock one I make a mod note when I lock it. A lot of the time you guys don't understand that you fight constantly with each other. So most times a thread that gets out of hand just gets locked to stop the arguing.

Why do I lock threads?

Personally when I get multiple reports in the same thread and it goes way off topic I lock it, sometimes when cleaned up it will show back up but most times its not. You would think after awhile you guys would know not to discuss certain things with certain people because some of the members here obviously can't play nice. It becomes a headache when not all mods are around and our emails are getting pinged SO VERY MUCH! So when that happens, take the thread away and problem solved. Im not sure what threads you are speaking of.
Also, there isn't a rule saying we hide who locked it, why would there be? But there isnt a rule that says we have to tell you who did either. Usually when I lock one like I said I make a note.

Hope that helps.

I am on several forums about different things and this is the only one that I can think of where a locked thread disappears! On the others locked symbol just appears beside the thread and no more posts can be added to it. You can still read it to your hearts content.
Not my rules, I just do what Im told to do, if you have questions about how that is done please ask the admin Alex
Ok. It d be easier for me to know who locked it and i may talk with than guessing at the wrong person to talk with and it leads to more confusing. That's all. :)
I am on several forums about different things and this is the only one that I can think of where a locked thread disappears! On the others locked symbol just appears beside the thread and no more posts can be added to it. You can still read it to your hearts content.

a lot of times I have my threads deleted. :)
I am on several forums about different things and this is the only one that I can think of where a locked thread disappears! On the others locked symbol just appears beside the thread and no more posts can be added to it. You can still read it to your hearts content.

Not all locked threads here are deleted. We also have a lot of locked ones with a padlock notification that we can read to our hearts content, but cannot post in again.
Locking the threads is so ridiculous. Come on..oh, really.

From the thread "The Hate has to stop now" It was out of hand and Calvin closed it. I seriously wonder how you guys even ask why threads are closed when you are the ones who are involved in the thread and know it goes WAY off base and out of control. I just read through the thread and how you can even ask where it went is beyond me?
From the thread "The Hate has to stop now" It was out of hand and Calvin closed it. I seriously wonder how you guys even ask why threads are closed when you are the ones who are involved in the thread and know it goes WAY off base and out of control. I just read through the thread and how you can even ask where it went is beyond me?


whoa.... that thread got locked but not my thread? damn I missed a lot but I've been busy with the Boston crew staying at my humble abode and now they're gone.

I know my thread is extremely controversial and very uncomfortable. I can see it has stirred a great wrath from the hornet's nest but ya'all know me as a controversial person and the only intention is to initiate a thought provocation to challenge a common reasoning which you've grew up with for entire your life - something that you've never consciously thought about it or something you knew about it it but never talked about it out of fear of backlash.

My way may be crude but I find it to be quite effective yet difficult in reaching a mutual understanding when it comes to learning more about different culture on deeper level that affects the entire world when it comes to stereotype and discrimination. me racist? anti-Semitic? LOL! If I'm racist, then you must be more racist than I. and very close-minded too.

I may be ignorant about this subject but to dismiss it or to ridicule it is also you being ignorant too. You want others to understand your issue so how can you expect other people to be aware of it when you ridicule them as racist/anti-Semitic? It goes both ways.
0-O damnt on reading wow serious crazy debate control trouble involves
I recalled that I asked Moderator to remove my Thread because it have gone out of my hand before Moderator monitored my thread. In fact postings got really ugly fast trthat I was newbie about post rules. It was related to computer. One blogger told me that I shouldnt post it cuz its contary to AD rules and I can get suspended. Ir immedately PM Moderator to remove my Thread. He told me that I did right thing to notify him first. At least, I didnt get any trouble. Now, I dont put thread that enrange some deafie.

I recalled that some thread disappeared or locked out when I want to comment. Its not my business, Moderator have their reason. I dont complain or object.

What I don't like is any thread simply disappearing! Why not simply lock them — for one thing it would give us a better idea of what will actually prompt a lock!
Sometimes I think there is a difference of opinion. I defer to the moderators (their job cannot be easy).

As for the thread "The Hate has to stop now", I suspect it was more of an external impression rather than an internal (the folks doing the debating) image. I probably did not say that right. I mean, it might have looked bad from the outside since this is a public forum, you do not need to register to read what is being said.
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