Hi, I am henry and have been a lurker for a long time. I am fascinated by the wide variety of topics you all put forth and discuss. A little about myself, I am going to be a teacher for the deaf, and like any child, I want to help them be successful. Currently I am in school to be a teacher. This is for an assignment, and I want to pose some questions to you all.
What is your first name?
Are your parents deaf or hearing?
If they were hearing, do you feel you got the proper support?
What was your childhood like as far as making friends, did you get bullied?
Do you play any sports?
Would you date a hearing person?
Last question, and I would understand if you didn't want to answer. I have to ask, have you ever thought about what life would be like if you were not deaf? Do you feel you would be a different person? If so, how so?
Anyway, it would much appreciated if one of you responded to these questions and get me A plus on my assignment.

What is your first name?
Are your parents deaf or hearing?
If they were hearing, do you feel you got the proper support?
What was your childhood like as far as making friends, did you get bullied?
Do you play any sports?
Would you date a hearing person?
Last question, and I would understand if you didn't want to answer. I have to ask, have you ever thought about what life would be like if you were not deaf? Do you feel you would be a different person? If so, how so?
Anyway, it would much appreciated if one of you responded to these questions and get me A plus on my assignment.