Asperger Syndrome--let's discuss

Oh, puh-leeze. Again with your grudge against drug companies and psychologists. You really need to deal with your issues and stop projecting them onto everything else.

That study says it might, I repeat: MIGHT be a factor that contributes. Nothing definitive. Learn to analyze research reports properly.

You need to fess up and be honest about how corrupt drug companies are.

I'm curious as to if Aspies (individual with Aspergers) ever encounter difficulty using/understanding ASL given how important facial expressions are to the language? I have two sons with autism spectrum disorders, one who was non-verbal (hearing) when he was younger. He had great difficulty reading my facial expressions - he'd confuse a joking "no" with a stern one, for example. His therapist wanted us to use Basic Signed English with him because it is more literal (?). I disagreed and used ASL

Also, after reading many of the forums (sorry for lurking - I'm waiting for a post of mine asking for help with a puzzle to be moderated) I couldnt help but notice that the struggle the Deaf community has faced against being labeled as disabled is similar to the Aspie community in some respects. From what I understand, many Aspies believe that the unique differences in how their brain works compared to NT (neurotypical) individual are not impairments (e.g. They are not socially impaired). Rather than forcing them to develop "skills" to be more NT, they feel the NTs should accept them as equals and adjust to them. Is there any advice to offer to my son(s) from your perspective?
Do you think a college student who has Asperger's should use the school's disability office for help? What kind of accommodations or other help would be useful?

Should the student inform his/her instructors that he/she has Asperger's, and explain how that impacts his/her classroom behavior?

What if the college student's behavior disrupts the classroom?

At what point, if any, does an Asperger's student become a danger in the classroom? Potential violence possible?

Who usually diagnoses Asperger's?