ASL student in need of some help..


New Member
Apr 21, 2009
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I am a student learning ASL at Kent State University, and I am required to interview two Deaf people for an assignment. If anyone would be interested my email address is Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!
I am a student learning ASL at Kent State University, and I am required to interview two Deaf people for an assignment. If anyone would be interested my email address is Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Usually no one feels comfortable to email someone we don't know. But if you post your questions here, several people will answer them for you. :wave:
Ok for the interview I'll need:
Your Name?
Where are you from?
What school do you/did you go to?
What do you prefer to use; TTY/tdd, Relay Operator, Videophone, or other?
Why do you prefer to use that particular method of communication?
Any other interesting thing you may want to add.
Ok for the interview I'll need:
Your Name?
Where are you from?
What school do you/did you go to?
Public school mainstream program
What do you prefer to use; TTY/tdd, Relay Operator, Videophone, or other?
Why do you prefer to use that particular method of communication?
I can easily communicate with almost everyone.
Any other interesting thing you may want to add.
I have a large collection of eyeglasses.

Good luck with your project. :wave:
Your Name? Ellen, aka DeafDoc1
Where are you from? Massachusetts
What school do you/did you go to? Public high school, Tufts University and U Mass Medical School
What do you prefer to use; TTY/tdd, Relay Operator, Videophone, or other? Videophone first, followed by IP relay and texting.
Why do you prefer to use that particular method of communication? VP is clearest for people who use ASL, it's faster, and Deaf to Deaf is much more personal than typing. Texting is great for quick messages
Any other interesting thing you may want to add. I'm the only Deaf Quadriplegic doctor I know, and I sign with a "quad" accent :giggle:
Ok for the interview I'll need:
Your Name?
Where are you from?
First Nation village, Manitoulin Island in Canada
What school do you/did you go to?
Mainstream elementary and high school-no Deaf program, except for speech therapy and lipreading, went on to three colleges-Seattle Central Community, Brainerd Technical Institute and now I am attending Cambrian College here on the island.
What do you prefer to use; TTY/tdd, Relay Operator, Videophone, or other?
TTY/TDD including using the Relay Operator
Why do you prefer to use that particular method of communication?
Because I am profound Deaf and not be able to understand what is said on the line so I need to use the TTY/TDD to communicate with either Deaf or use the Relay Operator to communicate with hearing people.
Any other interesting thing you may want to add.
That is a very personal thing for you to ask me, so I would like to ask you what prompt you to be interest in deafness and got interest in ASL? :roll: