ASL student and blogger


New Member
Feb 18, 2010
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I am a new member, new to blogging, and excited about chatting with Deaf peeps. I used to have a ton of Deaf friends but I have moved around so much that now I am without. Any ways I'd love to get to know yall!:wave:
Thank you thank you!
I forgot to add that if anyone would like to visit/comment on/ make suggestions regarding my blog please feel free. I am desperate for feedback. Also if anyone has any suggestions on topics/ info to put on it. It is at: Deafie
nice name...;) your blog is call yourself a deafie yet you are hearing and your blog is called deaf wannabe...hmm...
Name's Alicia- nice to meet you! I'm hearing, but sometimes I pretend I can't hear my husband, so he thinks I'm going deaf. Haha! (Sometimes I secretly wish I was). I love music, I love to talk, but even more I LOVE ASL, deaf culture, and using my face to convey what I can't explain with words. So naturally I got interested in ASL when I was young, my sister and I took a class in elementary school, then got back into it in highschool. Made some deaf friends, interpreter friends, and increased our signing skills.
<--- yes, she is hearing :)
She's an ASL student (see thread title) and aspiring terp (see blog).

I think it is GREAT that you are interested in Deaf culture and you want to terp and that you love ASL but I don't however thing it is in any way appropriate that you call yourself a "deaf wannabe" or a deafie ...just my two cents
She's an ASL student (see thread title) and aspiring terp (see blog).


nice name...;) your blog is call yourself a deafie yet you are hearing and your blog is called deaf wannabe...hmm...

Yes, sallylou, I read that blog after Alicia pointed it out. First sentence proclaims her love of pretending to be deaf and that she wishes she were.

But thanks for pointing out the link to the blog. :)
She's an ASL student (see thread title) and aspiring terp (see blog).


Name's Alicia- nice to meet you! I'm hearing, but sometimes I pretend I can't hear my husband, so he thinks I'm going deaf. Haha! (Sometimes I secretly wish I was)

My life has been crazy since high school. In the last four years I have; moved across the Western US 3 times in 4 years, moved out of my parents place, then back in, gotten married, gotten pregnant, had a baby, been employed at three different jobs and studied three different majors at three different schools. So it's been a looong time since I've had a deaf friend (tear).

I am no stranger to change to be sure. I am however a stranger to the deaf community in my area. NoCo- Northern Colorado home to ice hockey, several colleges (a few with ASL interpreting programs) and now my family. I am looking forward to the opportunities and challenges I have here. The first challenge will be in making friends and I have a target- the deaf community!


And it is no problem to me, but there have been a couple of threads on this phenomenen.
It's not the best approach to join the deaf by calling oneself "deafie." Perhaps the OP is not familiar enough with the deaf community to realize that. I hope that she hangs around here and learns more about deaf/hoh people.
I thought that she was kidding when she said that she makes her husband think she's going deaf. If not, I'm kinda creeped out. :hmm:
nice name...;) your blog is call yourself a deafie yet you are hearing and your blog is called deaf wannabe...hmm...

"Deafie" is kind of a term I picked up from my sister... a play on the word "hearie" of course backwards and not meant to be derogatory in any way