ASL spoken here

Do the hands read correctly? Is it clear what I'm trying to convey?
When I do my clown bit (Tie animal balloons) I just draw the handshapes "ASL" on a sign.

Those who sign see it instantly from a block away. Those who do not seldom notice it.
Maybe this means that I'm a cranky person -- but I think using the "I Luv U" sign to mean ASL is just too sacharrine sweet. What about using the sign for sign? Each hand forming the #1 sign, pointed towards each other?

Whichever way you decide to go, I do think posting a sign is a great idea. :)

I agree with you, maybe I'm cranky too :lol:
I agree. I didn't like it for the "Baby on Board" look, though. I guess we're just a bunch of cranky-pants!

Good point, that too! Yellow diamonds signs are usually reserved for 'danger!' or 'be careful!' signs. Nothing dangerouse about ASL right?

Hopefully not anyway! :) :rl: :D