Can you please give me right word for abbreviation word "CDI" and "MLS" before I´m able to quote your post, Reba?
No problem.
CDI = Certified Deaf Interpreter
According to RID:
The Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) is an individual who is deaf or hard of hearing. In addition to proficient communication skill and general interpreter training, the CDI has specialized training and/or experience in the use of gesture, mime, props, drawings and other tools to enhance communication. The CDI has knowledge and understanding of deafness, the Deaf community, and Deaf culture. The CDI possesses native or near-native fluency in American Sign Language.
Oregon's Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Use of a Certified Deaf Interpreter :
Often a Certified Deaf Interpreter works as a team member with a certified interpreter who is hearing. In some situations, a CDI/hearing interpreter team can communicate more effectively than a hearing interpreter alone or a team of two hearing interpreters or a CDI alone. In the CDI/hearing interpreter team situation, the CDI transmits message content between a deaf consumer and a hearing interpreter; the hearing interpreter transmits message content between a deaf consumer and a hearing interpreter; the hearing interpreter transmits message content between the CDI and a hearing consumer. While this process resembles a message relay, it is more than that. Each interpreter receives the message in one communication mode (or language), processes it linguistically and culturally, then passes it on in the appropriate communication mode. In even more challenging situations, the CDI and hearing interpreter may work together to understand a deaf individual's message, confer with each other to arrive at their best interpretation, then convey that interpretation to the hearing party.
MLS = Minimal Language Skills
So You Want To Be An Interpreter?:
Some deaf individuals have not developed competency or skill in any language . . . This sometimes occurs because an individual has been educationally or socially deprived and never had an opportunity to develop language skills.