Ask yourself


  • I accept myself for who i am.

    Votes: 40 90.9%
  • I can't accept myself for who i am

    Votes: 4 9.1%

  • Total voters
I have no problems with looking at the guy in the mirror everyday! ;)

Because I don't know who I am just yet.

If you spend years changing yourself to be someone else to another person's liking just because they can't accept you as you are, then you don't know who you are and won't like yourself as you are now.

....involves heavy thinking, reasoning, and many days of confusion.
I'm finally at a stage where I can say YES :D And I'm proud about that!
I voted yes, but I think the enviroment here have to change, or I have to leave this country because i don't fit here. Don't have anything that makes me feel good.
Wirelessly posted

Say "yes!" a million times! XD

I believe that I created a thread about "to accept who you are" or something a couple of years ago. So I don't feel like I want to bump it to bring it up. Haheh... ^^;
Like JaimeLynn, I am at the stage where I finally accept for who I am. :)
Yes. That doesn't mean that there isn't always room for improvement. It just means that I accept who I am today.
Yup - the way I see it; if people don't like me for who I am - they can just bite me!

I ain't on this big ol' blue cue ball to please people! And at my age (48), I surez hell ain't gonna change now!
