There's more questions coming in for you

and yes, I'll laugh at your expense. (Just kidding)
I doubt you're kidding. You just love to see me suffer!
What is the hardest part of life?
When things don't go the way you expect them to? (I dunno... haven't had anything that's "the hardest" yet.)
Do you think it would be a good idea if oil was nationalized?
Oh yeah, it would be a great idea. Right now, billionaires and private companies make profits from these oil. If it were nationalized, the people... the public... the United States would have a chance to choose how the oil industry is run. This would lead to encouraged research in other things such as fuel cells, ethanol, etc. Right now, the private corporations control the oil. They make profits themselves.
If you were to sleep for twenty years, what would you want first upon awakening?
"I want a large pepperoni pizza!"
What impact do book reviews have on your decision to read or buy a book?
I hate to say this... but I don't read books. I haven't read a book for 14 years.
If I did suddenly decide to read a book, it would not be based on book reviews that I read or hear from elsewhere. It would be whether the book sounds appealing or not.
What's the best piece of advice you've ever taken from your parents?
If people call you names, ignore them.
What culture makes the best food in your opinion?
Hmm... that's hard to say. A lot of the cuisine that I've had in the United States are "Americanized". So, it's hard to choose which national cuisine would be best since I've never really had a genuine national cuisine.
The closest I ever got to genuine cuisine that I enjoyed was various meats from Germany. Those were good. (We had this during a class at RIT called "Foods of the World". The topic for that day was German Cuisine.)
If you accept "Americanized" national cuisine, then I would probably say Italian food and Mexican food.
Which is your favorite source for news: print media, television, radio or internet?
Internet! (I rarely watch television. The only section I usually read in the newspaper is the comics.)
What's the weirdest thing you've done in your sleep?
Hmm... I don't really know.
There was one thing I did that was sleep-related, but it wasn't me doing something in my sleep.
I was downstairs in the kitchen. I had decided to go out and rent a movie from Blockbuster Video. I walked upstairs and saw my parents sitting on the couch watching television in the family room upstairs. I told them that I was going to go out after I got my jacket from my room. I walked into my bedroom, "fell" on the bed so I could reach my jacket that was at the far end of the other side of my bed, grabbed my jacket, got up, then walked out into the living room. Suddenly, the lights were off... television was off... parents were gone... where was everyone? I found out that it was 12:30 am... 3 hours has passed! WTF!?
Turns out that when I "fell" on my bed to reach my jacket, I blinked. When I say, "I blinked" in that manner... it's when that blink becomes a snooze and I fall asleep. I guess I was really tired that evening. :roll: