Ask Sweetkid.

Originally posted by knightwolf68
so what's ur hobbies???

Let's see... I enjoy doing scrapbooking when I can. I like reading, writing, talking, watch movies, shopping when I feel like it, go online, take pictures, listen to music, dance, meeting people, making people laugh and smile, etc...
Originally posted by DoVip
Hmm... Do you like to visit from at CSDF?

Yeah, i had a great time visiting CSDF. It was fun meeting all those people and making new friends. You could have told me that you were DoVip when I met you. I didn't know it was you until I came on AllDeaf and saw your latest picture.
Originally posted by ckfarbes
SweetKid, you seem that you are a bright intelligance! i ask you, why you choose gally that you will attend?? why not you pick another unveristy like ucla or yale or stanford and or Havard ? what is your nationity? i just curious!

Why, thank you, but I'm no fit for Yale or Harvard or something like that. I'm bad at tests, especially timed tests like SATs. I originally wanted to go to an art school in San Francisco but there were multiple reasons why i realized that I shouldn't go right now. Then I visited Gally and i really liked what they had to offer. So I applied and got accepted!

Thanks for the compliment, though. :)
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
Did you went to ASL Fest at UCC recently?

Actually, yeah, I did... Did I meet you or something? I know I met Missy from AD but not anybody else from AD.
Originally posted by Alex
Since I can't get a hold of your brother, how is he doing? What's new with him?

He's doing quite well! He finished Gally in December and will graduate with the class in May with a Biology degree. He's enjoying his new job at Pt. Pleasant Animal Hospital and currently engaged to a wonderful girl.

If you want to get ahold of him, feel free to IM me and I'll happy to give you his email address. ;)
Originally posted by SweetKid
Actually, yeah, I did... Did I meet you or something? I know I met Missy from AD but not anybody else from AD.

Damn, I was there for a while. I don't think I saw you, wait, were you wearing white dress? :dunno:
Originally posted by Steel
what are you good at?
well, people say that I'm good at giving advice and listening to others. They also say I can do photography and am getting good at Photoshop.

Originally posted by lilredridinhood
i'll see you around @ gallaudet in 2004 :-D
Yepp! See ya then!

Originally posted by vice
wha gonna do in future?
Hmm, some field of art. Maybe graphic design. But I have been thinking about being a Make Up Artist.

Originally posted by kuifje75
What are you going to study?
Right now, I'm going to go to Gally as undecided. Try different courses and see what I like most.

Originally posted by DoVip
That's cool. Do you like a Mac OS X?
My heart belongs to Mac. ;)
Originally posted by Stevey Boy
Damn, I was there for a while. I don't think I saw you, wait, were you wearing white dress? :dunno:

nah, i didn't wear a white dress. Show me a pic of urself, maybe I've seen you there?
Have fun at gally :)
May you get all good teachers and great academic advisors...good people at the registrar and financial aid offices...

What is the meaning of life? (since i gotta ask you something in this thread) :)
If you had to think of something that you did that made your parents very happy, what was it?
Originally posted by Liza
Have fun at gally :)
May you get all good teachers and great academic advisors...good people at the registrar and financial aid offices...

What is the meaning of life? (since i gotta ask you something in this thread) :)

Ah, thanks for the blessing! ;)

Meaning of Life? hmm I honestly don't know what s the right way to answer it. But I'll try my best. I think life is something that a person should cherish and make it worth living each day that they are alive. Life has it s own share of good times, memorable times and even bad times. Even when there are bad times, you learn from it. I think life should be cherished because you are granted a chance to live it. So make the best out of it.

is that good enough? i hope.

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