Ask Super Moderator

What is the sweetest a girl ever done to you?
Are you crazy?
Which word you couldn't speak?
Do you enjoy smell the marker?
Why are you interest Dell's adverist?
Originally posted by Jada
What is the sweetest a girl ever done to you?
Too many to list. One time, my ex girlfriend tbought me a very expensive bracelet. :eek2:
Originally posted by SweetKid
if a genie could grant you three wishes, what would they be? ;)

1. billion $$
2. mansion
3. 9 wishes
Originally posted by illustrator
Are you crazy?
Which word you couldn't speak?
Do you enjoy smell the marker?
Why are you interest Dell's adverist?

I can be crazy sometime and I can not be crazy sometime.
Almost every word.
I never said I am intersted in it.
have you visit Texas before? if not, have you ever think about visit texas in the future?
Originally posted by LUNZ
have you visit Texas before? if not, have you ever think about visit texas in the future?
I never have been to Texas before however, I hve thought about visiting my friend who lives in Texas.
Originally posted by kevbo
I can be crazy sometime and I can not be crazy sometime.
Almost every word.
I never said I am intersted in it.

*stare at your signature* oookie...
Originally posted by *~Rayden Wins~*
:laugh2: LOL can we come to ur wedding ?? hehehhe :mrgreen:
If I had a wedding, hell I would invite all AD members. :mrgreen: