Ask Pinkster *gulps* anything =X

Originally posted by pinkster
KIM! i didnt realize it was you.. *smacks self* i suck =X

LOL Jamie -- wrong answer LOL :-x
Peircings: 4 - 2 in left ear, one in right, and my labret.
Tats: 3 - 2 butterflies (one pink, the other red/blue) on my left shoulder/back, and a wave design (my own) on my left wrist.

Wrong answer? *thinks* how how how how!!! =X ohohohohoho .. ahhh.. whats her name.. *thinks* shit.. deafsnowfreak.. Lessy!!! =X! about time! *hugs* my bad =X
Originally posted by pinkster

Wrong answer? *thinks* how how how how!!! =X ohohohohoho .. ahhh.. whats her name.. *thinks* shit.. deafsnowfreak.. Lessy!!! =X! about time! *hugs* my bad =X
Yes, u got right answer!!! Put *GOLD STAR* on Pinkster's forehead.
no, i was a student at MSSD for short (one quarter) so i've been there once before.
Originally posted by pinkster
no, i was a student at MSSD for short (one quarter) so i've been there once before. i know more about you!
oh eri
ca - jealous? lmao im jk.. none of the other AD people are even paying attention to me so how can i be famous now? pfths...

matt, i was being stupid.. ignore me.. (im currently talking to david, first time in 4 days!)
Originally posted by pinkster
oh eri
ca - jealous? lmao im jk.. none of the other AD people are even paying attention to me so how can i be famous now? pfths...

matt, i was being stupid.. ignore me.. (im currently talking to david, first time in 4 days!)

:laugh2: I am payin attention to u cuz I know u longer on than other ADers does know u :P
d-oh. True.. =X you knew me when i didnt have boobies.. wait.. i've had them since i was 11 and i met you when i was 14.. ok so u knew me when i was a fukkin brat =X
Originally posted by pinkster
d-oh. True.. =X you knew me when i didnt have boobies.. wait.. i've had them since i was 11 and i met you when i was 14.. ok so u knew me when i was a fukkin brat =X

:doh: hehe... :rofl: haha and u changed alot and I'm still the brat cat :roll: