Ask Nathan...umm...anything?

Did I annoy you with the Ricky Martin, epic fail?:giggle:
Did I annoy you with the Ricky Martin, epic fail?:giggle:

No you didn't. At least he's famous in our island. And here's something for you: [ame=""][/ame]
What did you interest in that silver-haired man in your avatar?

Just cos you droop over his hotter appearance? :hmm: :P

I still can't view the video, I did go to Youtube to view other video, simpatico!

ps I have seen this video before:P
What is your fave dog breed?

Do you miss living in the USA, since you mentioned you were born in NJ?

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is Puerto Rico like compared to living in the United States.

What to Puerto Ricans think about being a latino island that's actually a U.S. Territory.

Do Puerto Ricans want statehood or do they wish to be their own country?
What is your fave dog breed?

Do you miss living in the USA, since you mentioned you were born in NJ?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well that's a good question, I do miss living in the states but I am happy where I am now. This my dog and nothing I will replace him:
Cute dog, what' s his name and what breed is he?
What is Puerto Rico like compared to living in the United States.

What to Puerto Ricans think about being a latino island that's actually a U.S. Territory.

Do Puerto Ricans want statehood or do they wish to be their own country?

Comparing Puerto Rico is like comparing apple with orange. In fact Puerto Rico are different in many ways.They have their own culture, traditions, etc. and SPANISH is a vital factor in keeping their traditions. Puerto Rico has been a nation in the making for more than 500 years. We are unique in the world, just like any other nation in the world is unique. Puerto Ricans form a nationality. Puerto Ricans have seen with the annexation of other nations like Hawaii, how their culture and language have been degraded after becoming a US state. Not only a complete assimilation but also a rapid degradation of their own identity as people. The Hawaiian language is now a small language spoken by a minority, indeed, Hawaiians became a permanent minority in their own land with US statehood, their culture became part of 'Heritage Centers' instead of the dominant, alive culture that was before US statehood. Hawaiians lost their nation. Puerto Ricans do not want to lose their identity, the most fundamental part of a nation. They do not want to be annexated to a country who do not share their language, religion, culture or history, which do not belong to the Latin American family of nations and which their motherland is Britain, Puerto Ricans do not want to become a permanent minority in their own land. Puerto Ricans want to remain Puerto Rican, a Latin American country, Only with the present status (estado libre asociado) or with complete independence Puerto Ricans can guaranteed that their children in a distant future will continue speaking spanish, proud of their land and with a strong sense of who they are as a Latin American nation. Only these two options guarantee that Puerto Ricans will remain Puerto Rican. On the other side, Annexation to the US as a state would mean the end of Puerto Rico as Puerto Rico, simple as that.; Puerto Rico would then become a hybrid state, with ''Puerto Rican heritage centers'' instead of an alive national culture, with our athletes and artists representing the US flag instead of the Puerto Rico flag like they do now in world events, maybe our daughters dancing salsa at the airport to amuse tourists and speaking English as main language while teaching Spanish as a folklore historic note, becoming a sad mirror of a distant past. Puerto Ricans reject becoming a joke, a people without dignity and self respect. Puerto Rico does not want to become a second Hawaii, we reject US statehood. But it can happen sometimes in the future. You never know and I believe it should stay on commonwealth.