Oh My Gosh, Angel!Now why am I not surprised that you would say something of this?
Do I have to share this? ha ha ha
Uh-huh :nods:....

psst? Roadrunner said if I asked you that qq, he would give me what I wanted....

Oh My Gosh, Angel!Now why am I not surprised that you would say something of this?
Do I have to share this? ha ha ha
Hmm, A donkey you say? Well, How can I get a surprise from an animal, if that's what you're referring to?![]()
Jo..that certain donkey is from the West Coast.. so ya need to be ready in case he drop a big surprise on ya.. say, in the form of donkeymerde?gotcha...
Who the heck is donkey?![]()
I know who is donkey .. better ask NorthStar lol
he always call one of his friend donkey! lol
you mean to tell me Northstar has a fantasy of a certain donkey?
1. What you hate about yourself?
Hate? Hard to find any hate, got soo much love that surrounds me.![]()
2. What you like about yourself?
The fact that I like to help others, having a prowess of showing how much I truly care for others--also, having the ardent ability to 'read' people, whether 'out' there, 'here' in AD--
3. How do you met your partner?
I met her through another online site where I was a monitor at-
4. Is love at first sight?
I believe it was, although, the impact of 'love' wasn't fully realized until the 2nd day-
5. What´s the most horrible things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
I would say two things come to mind, the first 'horrible thing' is seeing full blown pictures of a guy who was involved in a terrible car wreck, whereas he was hanging through the windshield..I won't describe it, it was just a terrible thing to see and hard to forget. The other thing which isn't 'terrible', but is something I won't forget...is when my own dad gave up his last breath and passed away.
6. What´s the most beautiful things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
Once again, two things, right before my dad passed away, when I had entered his room after a nurse notified us (family) to go to his room, when I entered the room, seeing such a beautiful light bursting through the windows as the sun was coming up...such calmness, beauty and peace enveloped me. The second beautiful moment I cannot forget is the moment I saw Angel when she had arrived in my hometown--she is everything I'd imagined..and more.![]()
7. What's your favorite number?
There are 2 numbers which I do like: they are '17 and 59'...with '29, 53 and 49' closely behind.
8. What's your favorite foods?
Mashed potatoes/gravy (either dark or light gravy), turkey slices, all together....mmmmm...now you're making me hungryyyy.![]()
9. Do you enjoy any topics (discussion with agree to disagree) here to read? If yes, which topic you like to read?
Actually, I enjoy reading the wide range of topics, shows how unique our members are here in AD. Kudos to all the members here in AD--![]()
10. What’s kind of hobby you have?
I consider participating in sports such as basketball, football one of my hobbies, my other hobbies is writing, writing and more writing--also, like to collect small cars too.
11. What will you do with a lot of money?
First give to the 'One' who made me possible, then (depending on how much $$) I've always wanted to start or build a place for needy children, children who have lost their parents, etc., and the other would be an unique kind of kennel for the animals who needs our love. Other than that, getting items that we (my family) can appreciate having and using. (ofc, bills would also get stamped in the 'black'--)
12. which countries, you dream to travel to?
I've always dreamed of traveling to Norway, Sweden.
13. What’s your favorite color?
It used to be brown while I was growing up, now it's either 'baby blue' or 'crimson red'-
14. How many children you would have one day?
All the children I have including my sweetheart's children is plenty to share my love and joy with..however, another 'girl' would be nice--(uh-ohhh, I think Angel's gonna *faint*)
15. What do you think of blogs in the websites? Is blogs important to you?
For some, blogs is a way of life, to interact with other people, be it online friends or with their real life friends, as for me, blogs isn't my 'thing' now, but perhaps maybe that'll change later--who knows?![]()
16. Would you open your blogs? If yes, what you write in your blogs?
It would help if I had one--, however, if I did have one, I would write many interesting things as well as writing things that surely can humor others whereas it may brigthen their days, bring a 'smile' to their faces, etc.,....
17. How many siblings, you have?
I have 2 younger sisters-
18. Have you been on the plane?
Yes, quite a few times-
19. Can you cook?
Most definitely..want a 'menu'?
20. Can you bake the cakes/cookies/candies?
Yes, baking such goodies can be a fun thing to do, however, candies, I have not done....yet.
21. Can you image that you will stay faith to AD as long as you are alive?
My dedication, my committment, the will and the faith to 'give' to Alldeaf will remain 'intact' as long as I am able to do so.
22. Can you try to have your time to chat with me via ASL or German Sign language with me?
That would be a neat challenge and one where we can make all sorts of facial expressions just to get our points/msgs. across!
I think it’s enough and hope that my question is not too personal.
Uh-huh :nods:.......
psst? Roadrunner said if I asked you that qq, he would give me what I wanted....![]()
Jo..that certain donkey is from the West Coast.. so ya need to be ready in case he drop a big surprise on ya.. say, in the form of donkeymerde?gotcha...
*rubbin my hand* *mess ur hair* Joile i m gonna ask you this question! hehe
What ur favorite vacation ?
How long you and ur b/f together??
What ur favorite season?
Oh and I'm sure the next thing you would say is "Get A Room!" eh?*smh those both guys are sooguys hah!*
How you feel when you frist time become be MOD in here??
I will get more question for you later *mess ur hair* zoom
Mod, how do you feel to be omnipotence in this msgboard?
For Jolie, Roadrunner, DreamDeaf & GoldLinx....![]()
*rubbing my hands*
1. What you hate about yourself?
2. What you like about yourself?
3. How do you met your partner?
4. Is love at first sight?
5. What´s the most horrible things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
6. What´s the most beautiful things, you ever saw/never forget in your life?
7. What's your favorite number?
8. What's your favorite foods?
9. Do you enjoy any topics (discussion with agree to disagree) here to read? If yes, which topic you like to read?
10. What’s kind of hobby you have?
11. What will you do with a lot of money?
I've always dreamed of going to Europe. Mostly, It'd be for Ireland, Germany, England and France.12. which countries, you dream to travel to?
Purple and Blue13. What’s your favorite color?
14. How many children you would have one day?
15. What do you think of blogs in the websites? Is blogs important to you?
16. Would you open your blogs? If yes, what you write in your blogs?
17. How many siblings, you have?
18. Have you been on the plane?
19. Can you cook?
20. Can you bake the cakes/cookies/candies?
21. Can you image that you will stay faith to AD as long as you are alive?
22. Can you try to have your time to chat with me via ASL or German Sign language with me?
I think it’s enough and hope that my question is not too personal.
For all Mod
What do you like about your bf/gf?
How do you find out about AllDeaf (beside Alex lol)?
I need to let everyone know you make a gooood greenbean casserole![]()
To all the Mods -
What is your signs? (horoscope)
Were you born on time or alittle late or too early?
How old did you get your first car?
How old did you get ur drive license?
I will add more questions when I have it in my mind.