Originally posted by javapride
Who's ur favorite team ( any team u want to say )
Originally posted by javapride
if u were stuck on a island with nothing but one thing u always must have with you what would it be?, remmy ONLY one thing u can have on the island...
Originally posted by Lasza
How many body piercing u have?
Originally posted by Fly Free
If u were given the opportunity to start over this lifetime -- what kind of changes would u make for urself q
Originally posted by javapride
what is ur favorite music ???
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
I have a question.
or probably more.
Who is your role models? and explain why.
Do you have siblings?
Originally posted by Smartiesgeek
Wow. AMAZING answers.
My mom taught me alot, too. I can't even thank her for everything. She placed me to ISD, which it is a great school for me. Also, I am going to graduate in next may, WHICH it is really great. My mom taught me to be manner, be nice, respect, and right to wrong. My mom taught me to love. I can't thank her enough. I love my mom. She learned to signs for me. she was a intereper because she fall in love to signs. so, Which it was so nice of her to doing anything for me.
One day, I will do anything for her.
Originally posted by javapride
what is u r most proudest moment?
Originally posted by javapride
What's yr FAVORITE books??