Ask JClarke Anything...

right, right ! I found dictoinary as rents which short for parents. No problem
What grossed me out.

There's something about mary the movie.

There's Something About Mary is a CLASSIC! One of my all-time favourites!

What is the weirdest movie have you ever watched?
I hated that movie.

weirdest movie was... something that I can't remember, a movie that messes it up and is :confused: I can't remember, sorry.
Jake, ask you what dates are legal holiday in Australia except Christmas Day and New Year Day.
Norcal20 -- NEVERRRRR

Chevy57, we just had a labour holiday last monday which is the long weekend, we have queens birthday in june, and Melbourne cup on the first tuesday of the november month.
Jake, you forgot the Australia Day public holiday! :O Why do you think we need an extra day to recover from all the drinking over the long weekend?! ;D
Thank you Chevy57 ;D

My brain never works at 5AM! LOL!

So... Jake, what are your plans for this weekend?

Australian Public holiday too.

Sherrie, I have no plans over the weekend, but still waiting to find out of the beer with the boys are on or not at the Uni Bar tonight or tomorrow night. And that's for the weekend.

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