Ask JClarke Anything...

Have you see kind of Austrailan spiders, snakes, etc everywhere in real life. (I mean everywhere, not in the Zoo)? What's your reaction when you see them?

I was in Australia and saw black with some yellow strip spider... :Ohno:

Thats is white tailed spider. And yes, I have seen red back spider, but I haven't seen the most venmous spider in whole australia which is Funnel web spider, which is commonly found in Sydney areas, they are very dangerous and can kill you in less than a hour. :Ohno:

Snakes, no I haven't but only large lizards and blue tongue lizards, I have seen them all the time when they are around at my parents backyard! :P

Since I have noticed plenty of active newbies, why not ask me anything ! :)
Greetings here from ohio. I'm only 14 and a half. But I think I heard that CI were made in that right? maybe i'm wrong..
Really? at first I thought it was made in Swiss. When I had my first CI which was the box, it said on the back of the box said it was made in swiss..intresting.
Jake, do you have any idea when your buddy DVDFreaker would come back on AllDeaf?



caption: I WUV WU!
Jake, do you have any idea when your buddy DVDFreaker would come back on AllDeaf?

DVDFreaker got banned until November, but discovered that the ban has been lifted, I haven't got the chance to reach him for a while, he is hard to reach....

August, cause I don't like wombats!!!