ask anything about Hacker

Why the need to hack at all? Don't you care for other people's feelings? If you don't, then why not?
Originally posted by hacker
he is half hacker part of it yes.

You both are not HACKER period.

I have seen the real hacker.. Know what they are like.

Perhap, you two are just using a TOY tools. Know what? I dare you two to HACK my account and all. Do it within 24 hrs. Good luck.
Originally posted by eternity
You both are not HACKER period.

I have seen the real hacker.. Know what they are like.

Perhap, you two are just using a TOY tools. Know what? I dare you two to HACK my account and all. Do it within 24 hrs. Good luck.

Originally posted by eternity
You both are not HACKER period.

I have seen the real hacker.. Know what they are like.

Perhap, you two are just using a TOY tools. Know what? I dare you two to HACK my account and all. Do it within 24 hrs. Good luck.

i know how dare take your account.. that how i find your friend name corey's home address, etc blah blah. I can find wher eyou live.
Originally posted by hacker
i know how dare take your account.. that how i find your friend name corey's home address, etc blah blah. I can find wher eyou live.
for real..
;) maybe she tho tha ur is only a Aim Hacker tha all, maybe she think tha u cant break into other comps and all.. maybe?

Hacker, How did you know to learn AIM thing and a hacker? Who help you?
Originally posted by DoVip
Hacker, How did you know to learn AIM thing and a hacker? Who help you?
i learned from my old teacher@ whs.. then i learned my self.. :cool:
Originally posted by hacker
i learned from my old teacher@ whs.. then i learned my self.. :cool:

wow! That's cool. So, Do you have a girlfriend's picture?
Originally posted by DoVip
wow! That's cool. So, Do you have a girlfriend's picture?
ugh.. my girlfriend? why you want see her picture?
so if u can hack AIM and etc, then dont call urself an hacker ;)