Ask and Answer

all of the above!....

what do you like on ur hot dog?
Someone is going to slap me upside the head for saying this, but I love extra ketchup <ducking for cover since no one within a 100 mile radius of Chicago eats hot dogs with ketchup>, mustard, relish, chili or cheese on my hot dogs.

What is your favorite way to relax at the beach? Play volleyball with friends? Swim? Play frisbee? Sunbathe?
It depends....

If I'm very angry, I sometimes would scream or throw stuff across the room, I know that's like throwing a tantrum but that's how I vent my anger. But If it's mild anger.... I would just hold it in, glaring at someone and have my arms crossed against my chest, tapping my feet. Sometimes, I get so angry that it makes me cry.

What normally makes you happy?

Don't feel bad. I do all of the above whenever I'm angry -- not that I'm proud of it. It's something I'm trying hard to change.
Walking slowly with mirrored sunglasses covering darting eyes

What job do you wish you had never had?
"Gotta' get up and get to rockin' ....get my hat off the rack"!

are you "misunderstood" at lot? an example?

who are you and why are you talking to me?
Dunno...haven't figured me out yet...was I talking to you?

what did the little doggie say when the kitty cat crossed the road in a yellow polka-dotted bikini?
Dunno...haven't figured me out yet...was I talking to you?

what did the little doggie say when the kitty cat crossed the road in a yellow polka-dotted bikini?

"What drugs did I just take today?"

Would you rather eat italian or mexican?
It depends on which best friends because I have many.....

Bryce, haven't seen him since 2004, Chelsea, haven't seen since 2003, Andi, haven't seen since 2005, Christina, saw her just last week ago, Lakisha, haven't seen her since 2006, Amy, haven't seen her since 2002.... That's pretty much it.

What's the scariest ride you've ever been on?
studying school material that does not interest me.

If you've climbed a tree before, how high did you go?
Going anyplace alone.

What do you serve for Christmas dinner?
If you've climbed a tree before, how high did you go?

heh... I think it was about few feet above... like three feet, not sure... I was just a kid

What do you serve for Christmas dinner?

My family always serve Ham, Turkey, Stuffing, Mash potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Gravy, Squash, Green beans, rolls, Pumpkin pie, Apple Pie.

What is your favorite Holiday and what's your least favorite holiday.