Ask and Answer

I don't like to be touched, so I don't like any of them.

What is your favorite school memory? (i.e. elementary, middle or high school)
What is your favorite school memory? (i.e. elementary, middle or high school)

Elementary school: Hanging out with my friends at Tucker Maxon Oral School on the school ground during recess

Middle School: Playing Golf with my friends after school

High School: Going to Football games on Friday Nights and cheer for our team as Deaf group and I get together and chat all night long while watching the football.

What is the average time you go to bed?

um... midnight to one in the morning....

What is your nightly routine?
It's random. I usually wind down with my computer before washing up and going to sleep. Other days I just fall asleep after a long day or not sleep at all til 7am in the morning.

Think gas prices will hit $5/gallon within the next 3 years?
It's random. I usually wind down with my computer before washing up and going to sleep. Other days I just fall asleep after a long day or not sleep at all til 7am in the morning.

Think gas prices will hit $5/gallon within the next 3 years?

Hope not! :(

If your pet is a rare breed, then what color you like for your pet?
white. my cat is all gray.

would you have a wild animal as your pet if it acted human and could talk like a human?
No... not in my life.

If u can pick one mythical creature to exist.... which one would u pick?

if you had the chance to travel free or cheaply to outer pace would you go?
obviously yes. around the world and maybe to other planets if we have Voyager

would you give up electronics for a year?
I go grocery shopping once/week and shopping for clothes every 1-2 months.

How do you define a healthy relationship?
Hmmm, I don't think I have.

Have you ever sticked a middle finger at a driver who cut you off or something bad to you?
gave them "the bird"?....sure have....but stopped due to people shooting at each other (road rage)

how far have you rode a bicycle b efore?
I can't ride a bicycle due to my blindness.

Would you describe yourself as being calm and laid back or impatient most of the time?
calm and mellow

do you want so-so pay part-time job or high-paying yet stressful full-time job?
Part time job I hate stress

What is the best color to paint a house?