Ask and Answer

Yes I did and it was at the IHOP! There was hair in my pancakes and I sent it back to the kitchen only to find the manager asking me what was wrong... the hair from the pancakes matched his!!

I even asked the manager if the wait staff wore hairnets, he said yes but I have my doubts and ever since then I've yet to step in an IHOP! *blech!*
No not really. I know people who have, usually with meat because they didn't cook it the way they had asked.

Would you ever consider a long-distance relationship?
I've tried it...dated a guy in England for a year.... didn't work so nah, I wouldn't do long distance relationship.

Have you ever gotten sick from riding a ride?
Nope, but I found a "surprise" in my big cooked potato. :ugh:

Were you eat a raw meats before?
No I do not.

What do you think of it when people type slower than you do and your post is constantly overlooked? :P
Nope, hardly. Only at college if i need to use the computer.

What ae you currently doin?
Browing AD... but off to my neighbors in a couple of minutes :D

What are you up to?
I'm up for some heavy-duty house work today!...Spent most of yesterday, driving my boys around, as they were mowing lawns to make $$ for a new PS3....(after theirs got stolen)....And I believe it was 101 degrees here yesterday!....They made $175.00! Which is great!

what's ur worst household chore?
My worse household chore is cleaning the bathrooms.

Are u a neat freak or a slob?
Yes, to pick my son up from his grandparents. My hubby was supposed to after work but he called in sick. I was supposed to go to PA to visit a friend after rescheduling from last week..well, now because hubby is sick, I have to reschedule again. GRRR!

Are u stretched thin?